Chapter 26

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David PoV:
All the doctors chucked us out,and the bright white doors shut in our faces. We all stood there in utter shock until I ran around the halls singing "Amanda's alive! Amanda's alive!". Simon and Alesha stood there laughing, and for once we where all happy.
I haven't felt so good in a long time, when Amanda died non of us where the same, we just felt like a nobody but now we don't. The moment I found out Amanda was alive, I felt my depression slip away and everyone else was happy, so I thank Mandy coming back alive. She's a strong woman and she never gave up!

After ages of waiting Steve came out of the room with a massive smile on his face. "Guys, Amanda's alive!" He screamed. We all ran (even Simon) towards him and have him a hug. "Thank you" we all whispered into his ear. After the hug Steve allowed us to see Amanda, we walked in hand in hand and there lay a peaceful Mandy. "Aww she's sleeping!" Alesha whisper shouted. I laughed quietly, and took a seat. "Finally, everything's back to normal."

Simon PoV:
I'm going crazy in my mind right now. My girlfriend, the love of my life and my bestie is alive! And I have so many people to thank, I could of never got through this time without David, Alesha and Steve, they are all incredible.
As I lay my head down on my pillow I took one glance at Amanda and then I closed my eyes, i dreamt about the past year, and right now I feel so blessed.

I was in a deep sleep when all of a sudden I felt someone touch my shoulder, I ignored it because I knew it was David. "Go away Dave"I mumbled. I heard a girl laugh that didn't sound like Alesha.... but it did sound like Amanda?!
I opened my eyes and there stood Amanda, she was actually stood there. "Oh my god!" I shouted, I shot up and hugged her tight. Mandy laughed as I span her around, I literally couldn't believe what was happening.

"I missed you Si." Amanda whispered into my ear. She pulled me close and attached my lips to hers.

"I missed you too babe." I replied.

Amanda was shaking a bit so I picked her up bridal style and placed her back on the bed. "Thanks Si." She said.

"I can't believe you awake, it's been so long." I told her as I wiped away happy tears.

"How long has it been?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"Just over a year." Mandy nodded her head and I held her hand. "I'll never let you go again."

Alesha PoV:
I was awoken by lots of giggling and people talking. I opened my eyes and that's when I saw Simon sat on Amanda bed talking to her.

"Oh my god wifey! I screamed. I got up and ran to her. "It's been so long." Amanda said. I was so happy I was actually crying, that also woke up David.

We all had a catch up and filled Amanda in with everything. Doctors came in and done some checkups, and told us Amanda can go home tomorrow but she had to stay with someone for a while. We all agreed she would stay with Simon considering there a couple.

A few hours later~

I was in the middle of taking to Mandy when all of a sudden David dragged Simon out the door. That's very strange, I thought to myself. We both ignored it and continued talking.

David PoV:
No one knows, except Simon that me and him have been sneaking around. Before the fire Simon told me that he was going to propose to Amanda, but then she died. But now she's back I think he should do it so I took him outside.

"Owe David! What was that for?" Simon asked angrily as he rubbed his head.

"I think you should do it." I said, Simon looked at me with a blank face and I could tell he was confused.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Ask Amanda to marry you for god sakes!" I yelled with a huge smile on my face.

Simon stared at the floor for a while, then at me, then at his pocket with the ring in. Ever since the fire he's carried the ring around like a 4 year old with its baby blanket.

"I don't know David, she just woke up." Simon said but I knew he was considering the idea.

"Simon, you love her don't you?"

"Of course I do David!"

"Well then do it! Si, you hated this past year and you was going to do it before, so why not now?

                       To be continued...
Yay Amanda's alive! And Simon is considering proposing?! Do you think he'll do it?

This chapter is dedicated to Becca6104
She's supported me through out this book and she's just so kind.

Thank you to everyone too!

Until next time! Bye ♥️🤩

Xoxoxo Ella.

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