Coming soon

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I sat up quickly gasping for the air that I much so needed I was still sat in the open space that I blacked out in

Wasting no time I ran towards the house and yelled for Adonay as I was running I heard Adonay calling me and felt a huge gust of wind as the air was knocked from my lungs

"Whew Scar we hafta go now one of the angels knows our location and he's coming and...are you ok" Adonay scrunched her eyebrows together

But I still lay splayed out on the ground wheezing and gasping for air


"I ran into you didn't I .." she face palmed herself

"I thought I stopped on time this time, Im sorry I've always sucked at timing, I always used to run into your father actually I know what that can wait let me help you out"

I wheezed out a 'thank you' as my eyes began to water

Adonay stood me up and told me to rest my hands above my head saying it would help more air get into my lungs, in my opinion it made things worse

After I'd finally caught my breath Adonay wasted no time in dragging me to the portal back to hell

"I can't go back just yet I must take care of some..things"

I was about to ask her what those things were but she pushed me with all her strength sending me flying head first into the portal

Talk about unnecessary

When I arrived in hell I felt a small smile spread over my face

"Ohhh how wonderful it is to be back now where's our mannnss" Phoenix said a little to happily

Rolling my eyes at the crazy girl within me I thought about Lucifer and as soon as I felt my mind connect with his I regretted it

"Scarlett you better have a damn good reason why the FUCK you thought it was okay to leave this castle without telling me" Lucifer growled out a little too calmly

"Well um see .."

"Scarlett I am very very angry right now so you'd better choose your words carefully, love"

"Love he called you love omg I'm gonna dieee" Phoenix fan girls

"Nows not the fucking time Phoenix I swear it isnt" I scolded her

"I'm not the one in trouble you are" she shot back

I felt cool hands grip my waist and instantly froze in place

"I thought I asked you a question, love" his warm breath graced my ear sending butterflies into my stomach and down to the region below

"I-I...yourbrothercametomeandtoldmethathescomingreallysoonallwhilehewaschokingmesowehavetoprepareforhimbecauseidontwannadiedoyouwannad.." Lucifer stopped my ranting by covering my mouth

I turned towards him to see his eyes darkened to a dark red making him look more evil and sinister as he stared into space

"Repeat what you just said" he gritted out

"Um I don't think I want to, I think you need to calm down bef.."

"I didn't ask Scarlett I was telling you"he looked down at me with those evil eyes and I gulped

"Your brother came down and told me in a not so nice way to me that he was coming" I sugarcoated the truth I couldn't tell him about the choking it just slipped out last time I can only
hope he didn't catch it

"He touched you" his hands balled into fist as he started to shake

Well that hope was short lived

"Lucifer it's okay calm down your beast is going to come out" I tried reasoning with him as I began to panic but Lucifer only shook more

"I can't calm down he fucking touched you and I couldn't fucking do anything" he dropped to his knees while shaking

"Mind link constallent I'm going to lose control"

I hurriedly mindlinked constallent

"Heyyy Scar how have you been, I'm gonna kill you as soon as I get done with my work so just pre.."

"Lucifer's about to lose control Constallent get here fast" I yelled over him through the mind link

"Fuck already?I'm on my way" he cut the mind link

"Try talking to the beast or something before he surfaces" Phoenix suggested

I walked up to Lucifer and crouched beside him

"Um..beast I know you can hear me so can you just hear me out please just let Lucifer stay in control this is very important"

"Do you think I'd give up the opportunity to finally get out, my silly scar so clueless, I'm coming out and I'm never going back in" a deep voice boomed from Lucifer's lips

I stepped back shaken up by what I'd just witnessed

"Let me out Scar and tell Lucifer to let his beast loose" Phoenix said

"Do you have a deathwish I say we wait for constallent" I exclaimed

"Let me out or I'll force myself out Scar and you know I can" huffing in defeat I bent back down to Lucifer's level and tilted his face up

He was sweating and his veins were popping out all over his face from trying to contain his beast

Constallent where are you

"Lucifer let him out, I know you don't want to but just trust me" I stepped back after standing to my full height and then I let Phoenix began to take over

I felt her power surge within me, the fire outside of me felt wonderful and I had never felt better as we became one

Lucifer has stopped shaking and was standing up to his full height staring back at me and Phoenix

"Lucifer?" I said

"No sweetheart, it's the beast"

Lucifer's eyes changed to snake like slits and his golden specks had disappeared and he looked a bit taller than his usual self, and his voice was a bit deeper too

"Hmm so you're the one causing all this damn trouble huh" Phoenix pointed out making the beast smirk

"The one and only"

Authors Note


Don't bash me y'all I know I've been MIA school is a bitch😭 and I also may have just gotten a job yayy me😁

But um yeah sorry y'all but I had time to write today so I wasted no time in trying to write this and get a load of this I wrote a wayyyy longer  version of this chapter and thought I saved it because I was gonna add on to make up for lost time ...and the whole entire chapter was deleted when I got home today I was beyond pissed
😠 but I sucked it up and just rewrote the main parts


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