Living The Life

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Arriving to heaven I felt a sudden warmth that engulfed me nothing like what the hell realm had felt like

It was beautiful huge beautiful homes of all different colors, even colors I'd never seen before I stared in awe at the whole place I couldn't describe the feeling but I felt..whole and welcomed

"Before I take you to the mansion I'd like you to meet someone" Lethandrol looked down at me

I nodded my head in response "who are they"

"Your father" Lethandrol grabbed my hand and walked me down the path the place looked like a whole other world and I honestly loved it


Arriving at a tan and white mansion Lethandrol rang the door bell to the home and a sweet melody sounded throughout the house before you heard a deep voice yell "ONE SECOND"

the door opened to reveal a man with salt and pepper colored hair he had wrinkles in his forehead but that was the only sign that showed that he was on the older side

"Oh hi Lethandrol what brings you in" he smiled warmly at Lethandrol

His eyes made there way to me before they widened in recognition

"S-Scarlett is it really you" his eyes began to water and all of a sudden I felt really sad and wanted to cry

I nodded my head not trusting my voice at the moment " my sweet little girl you've finally come back to me" he pulled me into him for a hug

"I thought you'd leave me for your mother,I -I thought I'd never see you again"
He cried out

After about 1 minute of him hugging me and crying he finally let me go and wiped his eyes clear of tears

"My little girl is finally home" he smiled "oh where are my manners come on in" He moved from in front of the door giving us room to enter

His home was beautiful and instantly made you feel welcome like the rest of this place surprisingly it was well furnished and clean

"So what have i missed in my sweet daughters life" he clapped his hands together as we all sat down

I looked to Lethandrol and he nodded towards me "if you'll excuse me I'll be back in about an hour or so to give you two the privacy you need"Lethandrol got up to walk towards the door

When the door closed I looked back towards my father and sighed "well let's start from what I can remember from the beginning"


After telling him my whole story from the bullying to
Oculus actually being Lucifers dad was an emotional
Roller coaster for a little while when he finally calmed down and looked at me "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you i wanted to be a part of your life for so long and I still do please do me the honor of letting me be the father figure that I couldn't be on earth"

"No need to apologize and I'd love to have you in my
Life you had no control over what happened" I said wiping away the tears that had been disobedient a fell from my eyes without permission

My father hugged me again before the door bell rang and being that an hour had passed I assumed it was Lethandrol

My father opened the door and in walked the tall handsome Angel In all his glory

"Good evening Lethandrol" my dad smiled

"Good evening Arcus I've come to retrieve Scarlett" his eyes locked on mine and I quickly looked away from his intense gaze while blushing

"Scarlett if you will there are things we must discuss" Lethandrol stayed and I could hear the smirk in his voice

Getting up I walked towards my father and hugged him we said our goodbyes and were off down the path again

"So what did you want to talk about" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me

Lethandrol looked down at me and smiled before looking forward again "Scarlett I know you've only known me for a couple of hours or so, but as my mate I want to build a relationship with you but I don't want to come off too strong, i will wait as long as you need but I want you to know that I will always work towards winning over your heart, I want you to know that even though you may not feel the same for me at the moment i love you a lot the pull I feel towards you is indescribable words can't explain what being around you does to me, will you do me the honor of letting me show you how a real man is supposed to treat you" Lethandrol had now stopped in front of me and his eyes were piercing into my soul and I stood there awestruck not saying a single word

"Say yes idiot" Phoenix shouted

"I-um yes sorry" I stuttered out

"You're an embarrassing fuck" Phoenix groaned

"Don't cuss at me what's wrong with you" I yelled at her

Taking a deep breath I smiled at Lethandrol

"Id love to give you a chance at my heart Lethandrol" his purple eyes lit up and he smiled down at me

"Let's take you home" Lethandrol grabbed my hand

"Oh wait what about Lucifers mark" I asked

Lethandrols eyes darkened at his name "I can't believe he really did that" he mumbled "being that it's only temporary once I mark you..if you let me it will over power his temporary mark"

I nodded my head "ok great"

"Now let's go Home"

5 Months Later

I stared in the mirror at the new mark that adorned my neck proudly

I was happier than a baby with candy

In the first month of me and Lethandrols attempt at a relationship it was pretty hard being that I'd never dated I hadn't known the first thing about going on a date luckily while taking a walk I ran into Ka'nani and she helped me and showed me everything I needed to know

Over the months we grew closer until I couldn't deny my feelings for Lethandrol, I told him to mark me

I remember how his eyes darkened as soon as the words left my lips and I knew that it was going to be a night of pleasure..well I thought it was he pleasured me first and the feeling was indescribable  but when his dick went in that shit hurt so bad he kissed my tears away until I told him to move it was still a bit uncomfortable for a little until a few
More minutes later but we won't get into that

We are happy and the balance between realms was kept

I visit my dad at least 3 to 4 times a week and I've made plenty of new friends I can honestly
Say I'm gonna love it here

I'm officially home


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