The Truth

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Lucifer looked at me fangs and claws ready to destroy anything in their path "let's show your angel how strong you are"

The sentence made me scrunch my face in confusion before shaking it off and running down the hall behind Lucifer

My angel?

Once we made it down the stairs I saw Angels and Demons fighting none of which really stood out their power rank was strong but nothing too overwhelming

Lucifers eyes scanned the crowd searching for someone before he smirked and disappeared leaving me standing at the front of the stairs

"That mothafucker" Phoenix groaned out

Huffing our loud I went to help fight against the angels I went to swing on one from behind he gasped and disappeared before I could touch him not even attempting to hit me

"What a coward" Phoenix chuckled rolling her eyes

Laughing a bit I ran and lunged for another angel who was running towards a demon before I could lay a hand on him he saw me from the cross of his eye and gasped before he disappeared across the room to fight another demon

"What the fuck"

Looking around for another angel to fight I found one who was just staring out into the crowd not bothering to fight he had a small smirk on his face that I oh so badly wanted to smack off

"Let's smack it then" Phoenix voice sounded off in my head

Running towards the angel he quickly made eye contact with me and his smirk instantly turned to a smile quickly letting my fire get the best of me I hurriedly let Phoenix pass me her power and let the flames disperse over my body

"I wouldn't do that Scarlett" his voice sounded oddly familiar and made me want to stop in my tracks

But I kept running towards him fist lit and ready to burn before I could hit him square in the face my body stopped on it's on accord

His eyes lit up at my frozen state

He chuckled a little before looking me over "come take a walk with me" he began walking up the stairs and my legs began moving on their own accord

"Whats happening Phoenix, I cant stop" I panicked

"I think he's using some kind compulsion when you stared into his eyes I felt a shift in your energy"

"Is there any way to get out"

"Not that I know of only the user can release you it's a rare and very old magic used by very old angels Lucifer and his brothers are the only to learn this"

"Fuck so this is his brother"

"Yep..we're gonna die" Phoenix huffed in my head

I hadn't noticed that the angel had stopped in front of me and we were now in a huge library until I heard the angel clear his throat

"Do you know who you are Scarlett" the angel asked with his arms folded over his chest

"Is this a trick question" I squinted my eyes at him annoyed already with his presence

"Duh I know who I am, do you know who you are? Hell kind of question is that" I rolled my eyes at him

"You'd do best if you kept your swearing to a minimum I am the one in control here not you or anyone else, but to answer your question I am Stellar an older angel server of the almighty and lover of all"he said nonchalantly "and no my question was not to trick you my job is simply to educate you on who YOU are because your decision to pick between sides affects this whole world and all the realms"

"Sit down Scarlett, I think we shou.." before he could finish his sentence a BOOM sounded in the library

"Step away from her NOW" Lucifer growled out his fangs bloody and his face turned up into a scowl

"Now Now brother I am not here to hurt the on the other hand.." Stellars eyes flashed a dark blue as he smiled innocently at Lucifer "I cant say the same"

"Don't you want the chosen to know who she really is and who she really belongs with" my face scrunched at the angels words I looked over to Lucifer and his face was beyond murderous

"It'd be best if you closed your mouth stellar we wouldn't want more blood spill now would we" Lucifer growled out

"Oh no brother we wouldn't but don't you think YOUR so called 'chosen' deserves to know that Lethandrol is her actual mate" i gasped out at Stellars accusation and looked over to Lucifer who looked ready to lunge any moment

"Oops I guess I've said too much" Stellar feigned surprise

"Lucifer that's not true is it" I looked at him pleading with my eyes

"Lethandrol.."Lucifer cackled maniacally "that bastard took everything from no she's my chosen not his and I be damned if I let him have her..he can't have everything, the girl, the love, the has to give" Lucifer lengthened his claws again and charged at Stellar

"Run Scarlett find one of my other brothers they'll tell you everything" and then he charged at Lucifer

"She isn't going anywhere I'll have her as mine and only mine" I felt my body fly through the air before I banged into one of the tall book shelves the wind being knocked from my body

I wheezed out trying to steal as much air back into my lungs as possible all a sudden I felt a warmth around my body when I sat up I looked around and saw Stellar with one arm pointed towards me a blue light coming from him and into me "GO SCARLETT NOW!!"

I looked at Lucifer in disbelief and he stared back at me with rage his eyes void of emotion "I'll find you" he mouthed with a smirk before being blown back by Stellar

Snapping from my daze I quickly ran out of the room in search for the truth

Authors Note

What a plot twist hehehehhe

But hey y'all this update was been supposed to be up like a week ago but I got a new phone and forgot my passcode to Wattpad 🤦🏽‍♀️

But I promise I won't let you all wait this long again lol I'm free for a good amount of time now that school is done and stuff so I will be finishing off this book soon and starting a new one

Until next time pipsqueaks

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