_= Chapter 1 =_

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Minho Pov

Walking. Walking without a destination. Today I was slandering around the town. Kinda beeing bored and not knowing what to do. Well my work was done for today so there wasn't anything I that could keep me busy with. Some would say that I have a pretty high rank in my job, but I don't think so. But fact is, that I'm earning a lot of money.

It was a fresh spring night. Most of the people were asleep already, you could say that because most light, that were normally shinning trough the window, were turned off.

There was sometimes a car passing by, but not really many. To summ it up it was pretty quiet. Just some street lamps were flickering, so they would make a clicking sound.

If someone would see me, they would think I'm a creepy rapist, going out at the late hour now.

(A/N then there were four turtles beating the crap out of the footclan one in purple, the other in blue, the next in red and the last in orange *cough* I mean what? Where was I? I'm such a tmnt trash lmao)

Minding my own business, I walked down further the street. Man, my life got so boring lately there wasn't anything to do.

(A/N r u ready? Minho being whipped for his cats?)

Of course besides playing with my cats. They're the best creatures in the world. Just seeing them is a blessing. What are their names you may ask? Soon-ie, Doong-ie and Dori. I got Dori just lately.

They're literally angels. Who knew that the world deserved them. I really love them with my whole heart, nothing could stop me from loving them. Like, is there anything better or cuter than my cats?
I don't think so.

It's like I'm their father and they're my kids. I really miss them when I'm not at home like when I'm at work or something like that.

Some people *cough* *cough* Seungmin  *cough* *cough* say, that I'm always talking about Doong-ie, but that's not true. I really love all of my three sweet cats equally. (A/N y'all if you're wondering: this is not the same universe as my other book ႦαႦყʂιƚƚιɳɠ ɱყ ƈʅαʂʂɱαƚҽ?! [that wouldn't make sense because of the Bonus Chapter 3])

Soon-ie is the eldest cat of them all and Dori the youngest. Sometimes Doong-ie gets mad at me for not being at home for a long time but in the end she always comes back to me.

I made my way past by many blocks and allies. Some of those allies were pretty dark, but that didn't scared me.

But there was this one alley that was different. Something was wrong with it. I stopped and took a glance. I couldn't see that much because there were many corners and edges. It looked kinda like a labyrinth.

Should I go there? I mean why not? But, I doesn't seem safe. There were even some scratches on the wall. It really looks like scratches from a cat but it's bigger, as big as a hand.

Maaaybe I should not go in there? But if I don't my curiosity will kill me. Never mind, I really want to know what's there hiding. Maybe there's just a bunch of nothing.

I shrugged it off and decided to finally go in. Step by step the weird feeling in my stomach got bigger, but that I didn't stopped walking. I wanted to know what was there so bad.

The scratches on the wall became, with walking further, more and more visible and more often to find. It was like someone set a hit for me just to find what's in the end.

The path split into two directions, left or right. The smart man I am, I've first looked closely at the wall. On the left side the scratches continued, so I took the left path.

In the distance I saw some movements, something like a rope? Waving from left to right. It was weird, I couldn't see it well because of the lack of light.

I took some steps nearer. My eyes really couldn't identify what it was.

But then something happened that made it easier for me. "Miau" you could hear faintly. It was a cat.

Let's see if she belongs to someone, if not, I'm gonna adopt her like I did with Soon-ie. Are we getting a new family member? My happiness was overflowing literally, just to be destroyed after.

As I got nearer, I mean really near, because I thought it would be just a cute cat, I noticed something weird or more someone weird.

What is the creature in front of me?!


Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️

So this is my 3rd Ff and I had this idea for a long time, glad I'm actually writing it.

Thanks for some of you being so enthusiastic for this FF *cough* hyunjinnie-ah *cough* Yong-Won *cough* -Fly_all_day- *cough*

I really don't know in which direction this FF will go, so I don't know how often I'll update. I try to update many chapters today but like the next days I don't have time to update and next week Saturday I'm going on vacation for two weeks.

(Lmao I like how SeungIn is kinda walking behind Minho in the picture above XD)

Hope you have a good day ♡

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