_= Chapter 2 =_

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Minho Pov

Okay Minho, calm down. Close your eyes and then open them again. You don't see that in front of you in reality, maybe you're just sleeping or imagining things. It can't be real.

I opened my eyes again and nothing changed. Again this human, cat thing with tail and ears was sitting on front of me, sleeping heavily.

The 'cat-human', or what's it called, wasn't in the size of a cat, no, it was just as big as a human.

From what I could take a glance of, I could see, that it was a boy. I really couldn't see his face thought, he was hiding it behind his hands while sleeping. Then I noticed, that his hands were like a mixture of human hands and cat paws.

That thing in front of me really creeped me out. Am I drugged or something?

Is it real? I mean, maybe it could be a costume. But damn, then it's a pretty good one, with all the hair and so on.

I really wanted to touch it, to see if it was real. I slowly moved my index finger in direction of one of his ear, just for testing, you know?

I slowly poked his ear, carefully, to not wake this creature up. His ear then moved a little bit, as like real cats do too.

Oh his tail, I have to touch it too. I then move a little bit, of course quietly, to touch the end of it.

It was super fluffy, again, it feels similar to my cats.

Is it... is the tail really attached to his body? I really had to find out that too. So I tried to pulled his tail as carefully as I could.

Suddenly the creature jumped and landed on all fours. The creature hissed at me loudly, being upset, probably because I woke it up from their nap.

"A-a h-human." The creature stumble and backed up immediately after it saw me. "Are you a furry?" I asked randomly bluntly which seem to upset him, there wasn't anything like fear left no more.

"No I'm not? Never heard of Nekos?" He snickered at me, crossing the arms in front of his chest.

"No? So explain it to me, Furry." I said demanding, a smirk forming at the end of my sentence because I knew I would tease him.

"So I'm- what? I'm not a Furry, geez." He shook his head. "So what should I call you instead?" I asked. Maybe it seemed like I really wanted to know but in the end I wanted to tease again.

"Han Jisung, my name" the creature in front of me said shortly. "Cute name, kitten" I said giggling, kinda amusing myself by his adorable reaction.

"Geez, I'm going to sleep again, get out of here random stranger." He said angrily but I couldn't take him seriously because of the fact, that he got cute cat ears and and a cute tail. Plus, he was blushing which was caused by me.

"Noo! Please explain it to me, Jisung." I finally used his real name, I didn't want to make him that angry and I wanted to know more.

"There's nothing much to explain. I'm a Neko. Everything human expect I got the ears..." he pointed above his head And then added: "...and this tail." He then turned around to wave with it.

"And kinda my hands too, but I don't even know what it is suppose to be." He said and looked at his open hands in front of him.

"Enough about me. Who are you?" He asked, head snapping into my direction.

"Oh me?..." I scratched the back of my head "...just a boring human who adores cats with his whole heart." I giggled as Soon-ie, Doong-ie and Dori flashed through my mind.

"Oh I cat person, I see." He said like kinda trying to analyse me. "So how did you even got here?" The kitten asked confused and then said further: "it has never happened that someone 'acidentaly' walked in here."

"I don't know. Somehow my curiosity lend me here." I said, wondering why I even went here in the first place. But it was true, I kinda just hadn't had a reason.

"So can you please go now, I'm trying to sleep." Jisung said and prepared the ground to lay down again.

But I couldn't go now, just when I've witnessed something no one will ever see. So I said:

"Okay I'm going already, but I'm taking you with me."


Lmao I was bored, so here you are, chapter 2 XD

Thanks for the support already like- you were so fast?! 💜💜💜💜💜

Let's see if I write Chapter 3 today too. Not promising anything 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hope you have a good day ♡

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