_= Chapter 9 =_

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Jisung Pov

I really didn't wait for a respond to my joke but I actually got on in the end, which shocked me a lot, I'd rather got no respond.

"If you want a skirt so bad, you can get one, but it must be short." Minho smirked at the end of his sentence. (A/N ehehhehehehehhe thanks @-Fly_all_day-)

"N-no i-it w-was a-a j-j-joke." I stumbled, I really didnt expect a sentence like said before. "Too bad. I kinda like the idea of seeing you in a skirt." He mumbled sulky, head facing away.

"See that's why I'm not going to." I said, after all I really didnt want to get raped, I mean, I don't know him for long. "I could just force you to, I got my ways." Again, another smirk formed in his face.

"B-but y-you w-won't, r-right?" I stopped walking an stared at him intensively. Please just say the answer I want to hear. "I'm thinking about it." He said. Was it a joke or was it real this time? Geez, I shouldn't have brought it up again in the first place.

"Don't just stand there like a frozen idiot, silly. Let's go to the next shop." He said and grabbed my wrist to pull me after him. I hope it's no skirt shop.


We went to many shops already and we bought many clothes. Sometimes Minho and I split up and both searched clothes for me. I often chose clothes, I thought would be too expensive, but in the end when I compared them to the clothes Minho chose, mine were the cheaper ones.

We were heading out of the last shop we planned to visit, both already exhausted from all of the standing and searching for clothes. Then Minho had a weird idea: "Let's get you a new hair colour.

"What?" I said confused because he dropped such a random idea. "Well, let's dye your hair." He repeated which let me still confused why he said that so suddenly.

Minho probably notice my confusion and just gave me a quick giggle. "So... that's really your plan?" I asked as I walked beside him. He nodded.

"... but you know that we can just go into a hair salon and get my hair done there. I can just put off my hat." I said, wanting to stop him from his idea, but I already knew in the short amount of time of knowing each other, that he was the type of person, that when he once got something in his head, he wants to implement it.

"That's why I'm buying the colour and I'll dye your hair afterwards." He said straightforwardly. "Geez, that will be a disaster." I shook my head, imagining all pssiblities that could go wrong.

"Don't worry, you won't be as bald as Chan Hyung will be." He laughed. I really mean it, this laugh of his really doesn't fit him.

"Who's that?" I asked not really wanting to know what this Chan would experience. "Just a close friend of mine who works at the same place as me. He bleaches his hair a lot, it's kinda a Meme in our friend group."

I just nodded, I really wasn't keen on knowing more about him. It kinda hurt me to know that I would never meet this Chan because of the way I am. And there was this aching feeling in my chest, knowing that Chan was close friend.

"So what colour am I getting?" I asked him kinda pissed, my mood sunk rapidly. The only think that could me happy now was cheesecake.

"You'll see which colour I'll buy." He said giggling but then realized, that I was a little bit pissed, so his smiled faded soon and turned into a worried frown.

"Everything okay?" He asked and put one hand in my shoulders. "Yeah, sure." I tried my acting skills to get the best out of it. I had to admit, it was kinda childish getting mad for like a little and not important reason, maybe I was exhausted from the day too.

"I swear you'll kill me when you know what colour I chose." He let out a laugh.


Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️

Unexpected update lmao 😂

So what do you guys think? What hair colour Minho chose for Jisung?

Hope you have a good day (kinda night at my country it's like nearly midnight) ♡

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