_= Bonus 1 =_

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No one Pov

Jisung was living quite awhile now at Minho's. They grew even closer, understood the other even better and the teasing got even worse. But Jisung survives the teasing still.

There was something Jisung couldn't deal with so good. It was that Minho was often busy with his work. Sometimes he wasn't home all day till the evening.

Jisung was really bored on that days, sure he has some activities to do. No, he wasn't playing with yarn nor haunting mice like normal cats would do, he was playing video games.

Minho spoiled Jisung a lot with video games or things he could do, but it still wasn't the same like having Minho around.

Well he couldn't go haunting mice too, because it was stupid to go out, people would notice him.

One day Jisung had a wonderful idea, well he thought so...

His idea was that he would follow Minho to work. Once Minho said he got a office for himself so that wouldn't be a problem, right?

His plan was like that: he knew the city pretty well, he new every inch of it, and of course every alley. He would make his way through all those allies, maybe go on same rooftops too. Like that he would follow Minhos car. He is a cat after all and got cat senses anyways.

The first part of the plan succeed. It wasn't difficult for him to follow Minho quickly and luckily his work place was in the same city.

But the second part of the plan was more difficult.

He had to go into the huge building, full of people that are working there. Jisung was smart, he took a hat along with him, the hat Minho once gave him to cover his cat ears.

He waited till Minho got inside the building and especially inside his office. There were many people walking around in that building because most of the shifts started now.

After some time there weren't many people left, so he made his way off of the rooftop and then inside the building

The receptionist gave him a weird look, probably because Jisung was there for the first time, but soon smiled at him. Who couldn't find Jisung adorable?

"Hello. I'm here to see Lee Minho. Can you please tell me where he's at?" Jisung asked politely.

"He is in office 0325, third floor, the elevator is on the left." She said kindly.

"Thank you very much" Jisung said and bowed at her politely. The receptionist and Jisung looked funny together, he had blue hair and she had pink hair (A/N Y'all guess who's it is XD). If Jisung would see her on the street, he wouldn't think that she'd work here in this fancy place, she was kinda out of the place.

He made his way to the elevator. He got off on the third floor as the pink haired woman told him.

Jisung quickly found the elder's office.

Minho Pov

I just came to my office a while ago. I settle myself on the big black chair and started the computer as I took a big sip of my coffee I got just seconds before.

Everything was peaceful till the door busted open. My back was facing the door because I searched for some files on the shelf behind me.

I began to massage my forehead and began nagging: "Gosh Felix, when you will learn to knock on the door. We had this so many times and I-"

I stopped speaking when I saw who was standing there at the already closed door. No it wasn't Felix, it wasn't any of my other friends, it was Jisung.

"What are you doing here?!" I said shook, I really wasn't expecting him. How did he manage getting here? Through all those people?

"I-I w-wanted t-to v-visit y-you" my Kitten stumbled, fiddling with his fingers. "I-it's so b-boring without y-you at h-home." He added.

"Why you didn't say anything, I would have taken a day off." I said, tanking a few steps closer to Jisungie.

"I don't know, I didn't want to bother you and-"Jisungie was interrupted by a knocking at the door. My eyes widened, someone could see him and even worse us both together, that would lead to stupid questions.

I quickly grabbed him by his arm and shoved him under my desk. It was the perfect hiding spot, because at the front, which was facing the door, the desk had a little wooden board.

"Hello? Minho?" The other person on the other side of the door asked because I didn't answer. Of course I recognised this voice, it was Chan.

"Wait a moment!" I said struggling to get Jisung down there. After I succeed to place Jisung under the desk, I shouted a little: "Chan! You can come in now."

He came in and gave me a confused look. "What was taking you so long" he asked me. "Just has uh- searching for some files." I made up a excuse which turned out a little bit weird at the end.

But then I suddenly notice that there was a tail, comming out from under the table and waving left to right. Jisung was uncareful.

Chan noticed and asked: "What's this?" "Oh nothing, what did you wan-" I was interrupted by Chan, who just walked straight into my direction.

Damn, I'm screwed.


Bonus yaaaaaay!

The continuation will come out soon, I think 😁

What do you guys think will happen?

Hope you have a good day ♡

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