_= Bonus 2 =_

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Jisung Pov

I just sat under the desk, I wouldn't move  till Minho would give me the signal to stand up. I waited and waited, why did Minho push me down here in the first place?

Then I heard how the door was busted open like I did before. "Felix?! What are you doing here?! And without knocking!"

"Chill dude. I just heard you guys in here talking, I wanted to visit you guys." Another voice spoke, this time this voice was much deeper than the one before.

"Mate, he's hiding there something. And he's not tellin' " the first, not so deep voice said.

Then there was silence, well I couldn't see, but I could hear well, even better with my cat ears.

I heard footsteps coming nearer, the persons Minho is talking to were walking. Minho shoved his leg in my direction to signalize me to get further under the desk.

But there was already the board behind me, I couldn't even hide more. The steps became louder and louder.

Minho then suddenly place himself quickly in front of me, legs closed, so you couldn't see through.

"Mate, what are you hiding down there. We're not stupid." I heard the other male with the deep voice saying.

"I- I can explain." Minho stumbled as he was shoved aside. Both blonde males in front of me were looking down at me.

The one had curly blonde locks, well it wasn't really blonde it was kinda bleached, probably the Cham? Chan? Minho was talking about him once.

The other male was a little bit skinnier and his hair was straight, exposing a little bit of his forehead.

"Woooooow. It's a cat." The blond male with straight hair said amazed and bend down to pet my head.

"Very thin ice." Minho commented. "Why? He's a-" The blonde straight hair said but I interrupted him by saying: "I'm not a cat. I'm a Neko."

"Oh the anime thing?" The blonde, straight hair asked and I responded with a "Yeah, you could say that."

On the other hand the one with curly hair was quiet and gulped.

"Are there... are there other animals like you?" The curly hair one asked that. "Maybe I don't know." I shrugged.

"So you both are really okay with a cat hybrid sitting under my table?" Minho said, expecting the others to be creeped out.

"We have seen many weird things, don't worry. But why he got blue hair though?" The one with straight hair said.

"Oh I dyed his hair." Minho giggled. "So he already was at your house already?" The curly head asked.

"Yeah, he's living with me." Minho bluntly said. "What!?" They both said in unison.

Minho ignored the both other males and held his hand in front of me, so I could stand up.

"So yeah this one..." Minho pointed at the curly head, "... is Bang Chan, just Chan, Christopher or Crispy."

"And the other..." He pointed at the one with straight hair, "... is Felix, a living meme."

Chan smacked the back of Minho's head. Minho glared at him so Chan explained his actions and scolded: "You're always forgetting to say that we're from Australia!"

"But honestly... There's a reason I'm not freaked out. I don't know why this guy over here stays so calm" Chan pointed at Felix. Then he added: "Well, I kinda know someone like you too..." Chan said quietly. "Wait? Like Jisungie?" Minho asked confused.

Chan nodded and explain: "You know this Jeongin guy I told you about..." Minho nodded and Felix gave a quick comment:  "the one you're dating?" For that sentence Chan smacked the back of Felix' head.

"So... What I wanted to say... He's a fox hybrid" he said slowly, putting his words together carefully.

"So wait. How long you know this Jeongin guy?" Minho asked curious. "Well, for months now." Chan responded and now he got a smack from Minho.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Felix said sadly while pouting. I found him so cute that I squished his checks for a moment.

The others around me just looked at me with a weird expression as Minho pulled me back to stand next to him. He whispered a little "Come here, kitten" while doing so.

"C-can I-I m-meet J-Jeongin?" I stumbled, it was the perfect opportunity for me to make friends

"Of course. Minho is it okay with you when I come to your house with Jeongin after work?" Chan patted my head now as well as he looked at Minho, trying to convince him to say yes with his look.

"Okay fine." Minho said, pulling me away from Chan. "Do other people know Jeongin, I mean does he go outside?" I asked curious. "Well not often actually." Chan signed sadly.

"I know the feeling pretty well, feels kinda lonely." I said and signed as well. "But when Minho and Chan are at work you two can hang out and I can look after you two sometimes because I don't work that often." Felix suggested.

It made me happy to getting to know other friends, I was especially happy because of this Jeongin, he was kinda like me.

No one Pov

You could tell by Minho's face that he wasn't happy to see the others liking his Jusingie that much.

It kinda annoyed him, how they patted Jisung's head or poked and squished his cheeks, after all Jisung was Minho's.

But he knew it wasn't right being jealous in that case, Chan and Felix had a boyfriend. And Jeongin was Chan's boyfriend.

But in the end he realized, that he shouldn't be angry at his friends he should be happy, especially for Jisung, who made new friends.



it's again like midnight or something like that Lmao. I'm going to sleep now.

The Bonus Chapter 3 is coming out soon, probably tomorrow.

Hope you have a good day ♡

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