Closet Kisses

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Week 29

Once again I ended up alone after school; It was nice this time though, normally I felt abandoned, this time it was calming. I strolled through halls taking my time to leave, not like I had anywhere to be. I slowly made my way through the 1st floor until I was yanked into a closet. My loud squeak echoed back in the hall.

A hand covered my mouth and another held my wrist above my head. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness, then widened them and struggled to break out more. "Stop moving and I'll let go." I stopped moving. Ryan uncovered my mouth, but didn't move away. He towered over me, looking down with red eyes. "What the hell do you want?" He didn't reply, he just kept staring at me. "Hello? Ryan." Again no reply, I pushed him back a bit but he didn't budge, "What the hell?" I looked up but this time our faces were closer, I could smell the alcohol from his breath. How the hell did he do this in less than 5 hours? "I'm sorry." He leaned in and I sucked in my breath. I shut my eyes, but opened them when nothing happened. I regretted it, his lips were hovering above mine and he kept looking at them, "I love you." Then he closed the gap. 

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