Going To His

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We walked out of the building hand in hand. Ryan stopped and I ran into his back, it was pouring rain and neither one of us had umbrellas. "Here." He took off his blazer and put it on me, "I don't want you to get sick." His jacket was huge and ran down to my mid thighs, I also had sweater paws, which I didn't really mind. He held his backpack over my head and we somewhat jogged to his house.

We stood under his porch for a bit to take off our soaking shoes, and so Ryan could unlock his door. He pushed the door and I ran in, "God it's freezing out there." He laughed as he shut the door, "Mom's not home yet, but she'll be here later with the twins." I nodded. He told me to wait and he left to grab towels. "Here, change in my room." He handed me the towel along with the smallest pair of sweats he had and a t-shirt. "I don't fit in them, but they might still be a bit big on you." I went up stairs and walked in his room. It was a bit dirty, he had clothes and shoes everywhere, but for the most part it was clean.

After taking forever to tie the stupid strings, I finished changing and headed downstairs, but stopped in front of the bathroom to look at Ryan. He was squatting looking through the cabinets, mumbling to himself, "Where does she keep it?" "What are you doing?" He jumped and stood, rubbing behind his neck, "Looking for my mom's hair dryer. Your hair's gonna take a while to dry, I don't want you to get sick." I nodded, and stuck my small pile of clothes in front of me. "Can I have a bag or something for these?" He took the pile, "I'll throw them in the dryer." I followed him downstairs but I sat on the couch and he went to the laundry room. He came back in and changed the screen to netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" I had to move close to the TV, because I took off my contacts. I threw on The Walking Dead and moved back to my original spot. Ryan sat there before I could so I moved to the other side. He yanked me to his lap and smiled, "Sit here." I scowled and he chuckled, pecking my nose, "Don't you still have alcohol in your system? You should sleep." He let out a breathy laugh, "No I think I'll be fine. Besides if I sleep, how can I keep kissing you?"

In my head I was beating the living sht out of the boy, in real life I was just slapping him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" "What the fuck did I do?" He screamed when I pinched him, "You know for someone your size, you're strong. That hurts." I rolled my eyes, "You're such a baby." "I am not a baby." "Says the one who's complaining about a girl four times smaller than him, Fucking baby." His eyes darkened and I was confused, "What?" I squeaked when he flipped me over so he was on top, one hand was on my waist dangerously close to my lower half, the other was near my head holding him up. "I can easily show you I'm not a baby, Princess." My heart stopped when he smirked and dived for my neck. I didn't really stop him, Instead I moved giving him more access. "Ry-" He kissed the spot he marked and pulled away with a smile, "There." He pecked my lips and sat up moving to the other side of the couch. What the hell was that?!

I was mad after he teased me and refused to cuddle with the bastard, even though he kept whining for me to lay with him. "You're so needy. You're worse than the girls at school." I kept throwing insults at him until the door opened and a small girl ran in. She stopped and stared at me, "DOMONIQUE!" She ran and jumped on me, I groaned when she landed. "Oh my lord, you've grown."

She pulled away and gave me her meanest look, which personally gave me baby fever. "Where have you been? I've missed you." I smiled at her, "I have been with my family, they missed me too so I visited them for a while." She was going to reply when Mrs. Hart walked in. "Martín, I told you to make soup for your brother, his fever is getting worse." She turned and her jaw pretty much dropped. "Domonique? Oh baby I've missed you." She set her things down and rushed for a hug. I looked at Ryan who rolled his eyes at his family's behavior. "How have you been, we haven't seen you in months." My eyes widened, It hasn't been that long. "I'm sorry. I moved in with my family for the summer, We never really see each other, so we all made plans to hang out." She nodded and ran her hands down my arms in a motherly type of way, then turned to yell at the boy who hadn't moved off the couch, "Why didn't you tell me she was coming over?" He opened his mouth but didn't say anything, making me giggle. "It was my idea to surprise you." Her face softened, "Okay, well I'm going to start dinner you-" She stopped and stared at my neck. I was confused at first till she moved my hair away from a certain spot. My face turned bright red, and I tried not to look her in the eyes. She didn't say anything, instead she grabbed a pillow and started beating her son with it. He screamed at her, while she cursed at him for being reckless. She tossed the pillow down and walked away to the kitchen. I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor, while Ryan looked at me with disbelief. "You're seriously gonna let her do that to me?" I couldn't talk, let alone breathe with how hard I was laughing. "Well fine then." he stomped away and I went to the kitchen to help his mom with dinner.

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