I Doubt It

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Talia's POV

Week 32

At this point I was truly done with Domonique. Eren showed me pictures of them that others kept taking, making me more pissed off. My phone has been blowing up ever since Ryan broke up with me. Again. "Do you want us to do anything Tals?" "No. I'll deal with it." Eren and Anna looked at each other and shrugged. We were currently in our own place beneath the bleachers. Not many people come out here so I tend to be here if I don't want to go to class. I stared at the ground thinking of how to get back at them. It was no use of going after Domonique, knowing she could easily beat me; going after Ryan would be hard, saying all he cared about was Domonique; And the territorial wars were something I could savatage but Ryan, of course, had stripped me of my roll and now they were talking about giving it to his bitch. "Dammit!" I kicked the wall and screamed. There was no way of getting them. I ruined the reputation Domonique had and she didn't care, I ruined what the couple had and they still ended up together, the only thing I could think of was getting Marcus on this. He always had a way of getting things done, but of course he moved out of town. Bastard. "Both of you leave." Both girls seemed hesitant about leaving but nevertheless they did.

I was cornered, For the first time ever I had no power and It was annoying. I thought about asking my father to step in and expel the girl but I did it so much in the past he put a stop to that. I ran through every memory I had, trying to figure out what I'd done in the past to get here. What people I used and discarded. A smile came to my face as I remembered someone. The man I owe almost everything to. He helped me become who I am and if I remember right, he said he was always around to help. I turned my phone back on and looked for his contact, pressing the call button in an instant. It rang for a while before someone answered, "If it isn't my favorite princess, haven't talked to you in a while." "I need your help on something." I heard some shuffling in the background, "Anything for you Tals." "There's this girl..."

Domonique's pov

"...Now do you understand?" Mr. Nixon was a good teacher but at the same time his voice just puts you to sleep. It was already fifth period and I wanted to go home and sleep. God I miss my bed. "Any more questions about the rules and how we do this?" He had us walk around the room to show us lab procedures that he kept putting off, until the principal yelled at him about our safety. "Yes I know it's stupid but the school requires for me to show you this." I guess he felt the same as we did, bored and tired. He might honestly be the first teacher I've ever had that hates school as much as his students. "Okay, go sit down, we have 15 minutes left." Everyone rushed to their seats while I walked slowly to mine. Someone poked my sides constantly causing me to jump and glare at them, "You're so slow." Ryan had a grin on, making me want to slap him, "I didn't sleep much, someone woke me up early." "Not my fault you stayed the night." He smiled even wider and we both sat down. I crossed my arms and laid my head down on them. Ryan sat in a more laid back position and rubbed my back, getting me closer to falling back asleep. "You're not gonna talk to your friends?" He looked to where I gestured to, "Eh. Max has wanted to get with Anna for a while and besides it gives me an excuse to sit with you." I raised an eyebrow, "You act like you need one." "I know." We sat like that for a while, before he shifted and put his head near mine. "Angel, do you like me?" "If I didn't I wouldn't let you touch me." "Okay just checking." "You stopped rubbing my back just to ask If I like you?" He nodded his head and winked, "I hate you." He moved even closer and kissed my cheek, "No you don't." People started taking pictures and whispering about our relationship. It's been about three weeks since Ryan broke up with Talia, (hopefully for the last time) and people have been non stop talking about it being my fault. Instead of glaring and trying to scare them into shutting up, I played with the sleeves of my blazer.

I was never one to care about rumors and drama, but over the past few months I've changed and too much has happened to me, so simply ignoring my problems like usual, it isn't enough. I cried over a boy, let my anger get in the way of my happiness, beat up a chick for no reason, And drank alcohol. Back in Star city I never did any of that, the only time I fought was when a guy tried to mug me and when I was attacked at my house. I was rarely ever mad and if anything everyone knew me as the sunshine.

Then I came here and it changed, I was quieter and more aware of everyone around me, I barely had friends as people were always scared to be around me. But back in my home town there was no Talia, no Corina, no Ryan. The people who changed me the most were here; And the worst part was, I couldn't tell if it was them that was truly affecting me or if it was myself trying to be a different person for this environment.

"Hello." I shook my head and turned to Ryan. who kept waving his hands in my face. "You good?" I nodded, "Yeah why?" He had worry and confusion written all over his face, "You were gone for a minute, it was kinda creepy." I moved my hand out of my sleeve and messed up his hair, "I'm fine, just tired." He looked like he didn't believe me but he didn't reply so that was good. "The bell rang. we should go." I quickly grabbed my stuff and tried to run out but the devil caught me. "Let me walk you." I pried my hand out of his grip, "Ry you have class too, I don't want you to be late." He scoffed, "You act like I'm going anyways." "Ryan. Go." He shook his head, "I'm not going, besides I gotta get the guys ready for the wars." "Well I gotta go. I'll see you later." Out of habit I kissed him and ran off, not realizing what I did till I was in my class.

Most of the class I just sat there, blanking out thinking of everything that was happening. The thing that kept bothering me was the Territorial wars. Everyone talked about it, like it was 'Game of Thrones'. The only thing I got from the talk about it was the royalty situation. Ryan and Talia were known as King and Queen of whatever it was. I wanted to ask Corina but she's been so busy with Jonah, I haven't seen her, and I refuse to ask Ryan in case he thinks I'm nosey (Which I doubt saying it's him).

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