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"I left her." Bradley said right as Gaga opened her house door to him. A small smile was on his face and he felt butterflies deep in his stomach as he was finally letting her in on his news.

Gaga furrowed her eyebrows and had a confused look, "you...left her?" She asked and he nodded, "Irina, you left Irina?" Her right hand went up to compliment her confused expression.

"Well, we left each other." Bradley smirked then gulped as she wasn't reacting as he thought she would. Ever since they met in 2016, they both had made it clear for the other that they wanted something more than a friendship. Earlier this year after the Oscars him and her had gotten closer. Bradley has told her he'd find a way for the two of them to be together, and here he is five months later ready to hand his everything to her.

"I-uh I don't know what to say, really." She blew air out of her mouth and shifted a little. She expected to feel happy when this day came, she and him had talked many times about becoming a couple. They talked about him leaving Irina, since there wasn't much of a flame there, and because Bradley wanted to be with her and vice versa. She had left her fiancé to clear her head and let Bradley know that she wasn't playing around with how she felt with him, but he's here, five months later telling her. The last time she had seen him was three weeks ago, she saw news of their breakup but assumed it was just a rumor, and not all rumors are true, if they were she'd be pregnant about 20 times already.

"You don't have to say anything." He grabbed her hand and walked towards her, his right hand cupped her cheek as he leaned his head against her forehead, "we can finally be together." He whispered innocently as he gently brushed her lips with his, and felt her lips softly latch to his bottom one, his heart bursting with love.

But then it slowly broke, once her hand splayed flat against his chest as she gently pushed him away and backed herself away from him. "Stef?" His hands slowly left her warm skin.

"We can't be together." She said, not even being able to look up at him.

"Why not Stefani?" He got closer to her, "just three weeks ago you told me you you'd wait for me, you said you wanted this." He spoke with heartache and confusion.

"I know Bradley, but things have happened since then. And you know that we can't be together, I have been bombarded with hate over the rumors of you and Irina, which just now I learned are true."

"I know, I would've told you sooner, I really would have but I was so busy and we were dealing with custody of Lea and I was looking into some new roles. I'm sorry I know, I should've told you sooner." He was genuinely sorry, "and it's still messy I just couldn't wait to tell you...and what things have happened?" He was hoping she wouldn't say she changed her mind on him, they both had agreed to fight for each other.

"I couldn't wait any longer, Bradley." She whispered, ashamed of what she said. She had a new thing going with her sound mixer, taboo to be with someone you work with but he was there, he was charming and he was ready. Was she happy? No, not really, but she felt good.

"What do you mean, Stef?" Bradley's hand subconsciously went to his chest as he felt it burn, "did you find someone else?" That question was barely above a whisper, his eyes felt hot as he looked down at the woman he loved so dearly.

She finally looked up into his eyes and hers watered, "I'm sorry, Bradley." She bit her lip feeling uncomfortable, she looked back down, "we were going to be too messy, I just knew it." She looked back up and he turned away as she saw him tense up, "and he was-"

"I get it." He nodded and held his hand up to signal her to stop talking. "I thought you were going- you said you'd wait- I-" he gulped away the ball of sadness in his throat as he sniffled, cursing himself for being so head over heels for the woman in front of him, and when his emotions were connected to ones he loved he became an emotional wreck.

"I'm sorry." She repeated as she looked at his hand.

"You're not." He shrugged, now feeling anger at her broken promise of waiting for him, anger that was run by sadness.

"And how would you know that?" She asked, now feeling anger herself. One thing no one can do is tell her how her own emotions are. She loved Bradley, she cared for him and she knew that their relationship would be trouble for their careers, they aren't even one and she seems to be the most hated already.

"Because I-" he shook his head, he really had nothing, one thing he knew about her was that she was very genuine, he knew she was sorry he just felt so incredibly dumbfounded at this. "I just thought you'd wait."

"I did, I was, but I felt so incredibly stupid thinking you'd leave a model for me, and it had hit me that you maybe wouldn't have and I acted on that emotion," she admitted, "why did you Bradley?" She asked as she lifted his head with one of her fingers under his chin. The sad expression hurting her deep down.

"Because I love you." A tear rolled down his face, "and we said we would fight for each other," Bradley sniffled and looked back down as she closed her eyes.

"I know I just." She gently shook her head and sighed, "we can't do this right now Bradley."

"Leave him Stef, I know you love me, you've said it before." He bravely said as he held her hands.

"Bradley it's just not that simple," she took her hands out of his.

"It's that simple to give up on me? On us?" He asked.

She didn't say anything and just kept looking down, "Brad, I have an early flight I need to prepare for." She whispered and he nodded.

"Bye, Stef." His voice cracked as he weakly waved to the floor basically, and backed away. He turned back around as she was slowly closing the door. "I- this is for you, I'm not sure if you'd want it but, I- uh I thought you would." He reached into his pocket and took out a small box from a jewelry store. He placed it on her open palm. "Have a good night, Stef." He nodded to her and walked away to his car that was parked behind hers.

Gaga's eyes were full of tears as she looked down at the small box in her hands, she opened it as she walked inside the house, closing and locking the door as she grabbed the small folded paper that was in the box on top of the gold chain she was able to see. She sat down on the couch as she looked up at Natali who was standing on the stairs down at her sister. Gaga sighed sadly and looked back down, opened the note;

'To our new love, I hope you love this necklace, this is what started it all, I find it almost as beautiful as you, I love you- Bradley.'

Tears were streaming down her face as she looked down at the necklace, a full rose charm with a small heart shaped diamond inside the base of the rose.

Natali now was sitting beside her sister, an arm wrapped around her shoulders and Gaga leaned into her, holding the necklace in her left hand and the note in her right, "I really fucked up this time didn't I?" Gaga painfully said.

"Honest?" Natali asked and she felt Gaga nod into her shoulder, "yeah, you did."

WELP that hurt me🤡

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