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"How'd it go?" Natali looked up from her iPad to her sister who just walked into the house.

"We're done." Gaga walked to the couch and took off her small boots before laying down, laying her head onto her sisters lap, laying her head on half of the iPad. "Whatever we had, it's done. I kept it nice and sweet for the camera and kissed him, but then in the car I let him know that I can't do it, I don't like acting that it feels real and that it's not okay." She ranted as Natali moved her iPad and set it aside

"I'm glad you did that sis, you followed your heart." She smoothed out the flyaway hairs on top of her sisters' head. "What are you going to do about Mr B coops?"

Gaga smiled at her sister's nickname. "He looked so hurt, Nat. When he gave me the necklace his hands were trembling." Gaga sniffled. "I don't know what I was thinking, of course I want him, of course that's what I want, I want a future with him and Lea, a love with him."

Natali smiled at the honesty of her sister. "He's a sweet guy, he really loves you."

"I love him." She bit her lip as she held the necklace in her hand. "I need to talk to him, maybe when I get back from Italy" She said as she sat up.

"You do." Natali nodded and stood up grabbing her empty bowl from the coffee table. "Are you going to need a new sound mixer?" Natali chuckled as she walked into the large kitchen.

"Actually no, he wasn't mad or hurt, he always did just feel like more of a friend with some benefits." Gaga smiled kindly, "he's a good guy...just not the guy."

"That was so cheesy!" Natali laughed and threw the sponge at her sister that hit her shoulder and fell down onto the floor with a wet gush of water and soap.

"It's true!" Gaga picked it up and threw it back before going up the stairs.

Bradley stepped out of the hotels shower, wrapping his towel around himself as he walked into the room.

Italy was always a beautiful place to be at and he was pleased when his manager told him that he was invited, he himself was still debating whether or not to stay for the three day and go along with google or enjoy himself. But Italy of course, reminded him of the woman that his heart was crushed by as such a beautiful place was laced with sadness and the feeling of failure.

Tomorrow was the event so he was thinking about things he could do for this day. He opened the door for the large balcony and sat in the back. He kicked his feet up and admired the view, the view he once shared with her during their press tour.

"Bradley's here?" Gaga's eyes shot out of her head and Bobby nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't know till now, they just sent out the list for us to see." Bobby hopes that him being there wouldn't change their plans of the media and her performance tonight.

"You've been wanting to talk to him, sis, bows the chance." Natali rubbed her older sisters back as she nodded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him."

"Wait, what's going on?" Bobby, who was clueless asked, "talk to Bradley? Why?"

"I broke up with Dan, I love Bradley." Gaga shyly said and Bobby's jaw dropped.

"Wait fill me in." He put his phone done and sat down on the edge of her bed as Gaga began to explain.

Bradley looked at his phone that beeped beside him and saw that 'Stefani' sent him a message.

His heart skipped a beat as he sat straight and grabbed the phone, he opened it.

Stefani: 'Hey, I just found out that you're in Italy too. I've been meaning to talk to you, may I know where you're at?'

Bradley couldn't believe what he read. A smile kept onto his lips as he thought of seeing her again, but he began to think of why she'd want to see him. Maybe to give back his necklace, maybe to stuff it in his face some more than another man took her from him. Speaking of the other man, where was he? Want He there with her? Bradley shook his head and replied.

'I didn't know you'd be here either, we can talk, I'm at my hotel.' He attached the address and stood up nervously as he walked back into his hotel room and looked into the mirror, he quickly changed into jeans from his sweats and put on his shoes as he sent in the living room waiting for her knock.

Talk about my shortest post ever omg

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