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Longest wait ever I am SO SORRY💕💕

Blue met green once he opened the door. She looked smaller than ever, tear stained cheeks, her heels in her hands and a pout on her lips.

"You guys can leave now." She spoke to Bobby and Peter as her eyes were still locked with the blues.

Bobby and Peter both nodded towards them and Bradley looked over, nodding back and then looked back at her. Bobby and Peter walked away, leaving the two in the hallway.

Bradley moved aside and signaled her to walk in. She slowly walked in and turned back around once he closed the door behind him.

"I thought you were going to wait for me." She spoke barely above a whisper.

"You know, I thought that too, but that obviously wasn't the case." He walked passed her over to the table, grabbed his glass of water and took a sip.

"I assume this is about the pictures." She turned around and placed her heels down onto the floor.

"Oh glad that you know, what the fuck do you want to do to me Stefani?" He put his glass down and turned to her waiting. "Don't play these games with me Stefani, I've waited long enough and if you aren't serious about us than tell me now, so I can pack my shit up and get the fuck out of your life." Bradley instantly regretted speaking to her in that tone once he looked up and saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"I am serious." Her tear rolled onto her lip, "I want you, me and him are nothing, I broke it off in the car after those pictures. Bobby arranged that date." She tasted her salty tears as another came down the other eye, "I want you..." She said barely above a whisper.

Bradley started at her, he put his hands on his hips and looked down, gulping before he looked back up. Her eyes were still wide open letting him know she was being genuine.

After a few moments of him silently staring back at the floor she closed her eyes and whimpered, she now knew for sure that she had lost him. Just as she lifted her hand to wipe her tear, she felt him wrap his large fingers around her small wrist, gently move it down and place his fingers under her chin. She opened her eyes as her face was being angled upward, she looked to his lips then eyes.

"I want you." He repeated her.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a broken voice.

"Why would you even ask that?" He asked, pulling his hand down but his movements were stopped once she held onto his wrist.

"I don't know...it's just... I finally feel complete and-" she closed her eyes thinking of how to word her thoughts, "relationships never go well when they include me." She sniffled, "I don't want to ruin this," she signaled between the both of them, "even more than I already have." The same hand went up to wipe her own tears.

Bradley moved her chin upwards again, and gently placed his lips against hers. Hot air blew out of her nostrils as she sighed in relief. Bradley's hands went around her, delicately brushing his fingers against her soft skin. "I wanted you yesterday, I want you today, and I will want you till infinity." He placed his nose against hers, making her green eyes open at the contact.

"I'm sorry for making you so upset." Her eyes watered, "I never meant to, I was supposed to tell you yesterday when I arrived but you kept kissing me and I was swooning and it completely escaped my mind." Another tear fell, being caught immediately by his warm finger.

"That doesn't matter now, Stef." Their breathing quickened once his lips hovered a centimeter away from her plump ones. "Don't apologize, and I'm so sorry for making you upset," He gently pecked her lips, "I seen you perform, stood at the back of the room, and I should have waited for you so we could come back together, shouldn't have acted like a complete child." He sighed and dug his face into her neck. "I just want you, want us." He smelled her scent that made him feel at home.

She turned her head to kiss his cheek. He lifted his head and placed his lips onto hers. She gasped then let air out of her nose as her lips desperately latched onto his.

"Then have me." She grabbed two fistfuls of his shirt at his waist and pushed herself against him. Bradley let the kiss go, looked at her now wet parted lips.

He smiled and ran his thumb over the plump rosy lips. "Would you like to stay in my room tonight?" He asked gently caressing her shoulders and back. "I was too harsh on you, I feel that I need to make it up to you in anyway you'd let me." He smiled and pecked the tip of her nose.

"I would love that." She smiled and dug her face into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. One last kiss and they let go so she could sit on the couch, her feet aching so she began to massage them. "I thought you missed my performance." She said in an upset tone.

"I was watching." He smiled and sat beside her on the couch, grabbed her left foot and began to massage it as she relaxed under his comfortable touch. "You have the most beautiful voice, talking and singing." He leaned in and kissed her knee.

She shook her head and smiled, "I got really upset." She sighed and he frowned.

"I...I haven't been the best to you today, Stef. I'm sorry." He lovingly caressed her leg.

"I should have told you sooner. But once again, your kisses." She rolled her eyes back with a smile before getting on her knees to place her lips on his, putting her weight into him making him lay back on the couch. Once she lay entirely atop him, she let his lips go and rested her chin on his chest, looking into his eyes. "Are you sure I'm what you want?" Her voice was soft and she put her head down, inhaling the scent of him.

"Stop asking that, Stef." He sighed and moved her head to give her lips a kiss. "All I want," his hands ran down her back and up to her arms, "is you."

She closed her eyes and smiled at the extra kisses he was planting all over her face. She yawned and heard his chuckle.

"You tired?" He pulled her to his side, wrapping his arm around her curvy waist.

"Mhm." She hummed against his cheek.

"Let's go to the bed." He stood up making her sigh at the loss of contact, he gently picked her up and walked her to the bed. He lay her down on the bed. "I hope you don't mind, I just can't sleep in a tux." He laughed as he unbuttoned his dress shirt and took it off.

"I don't mind one bit." She smiled, "I can't sleep with mostly anything on." She chuckled at his little groan. She sat up and stood off the bed, turned away from him and took off the dress. Once she turned his eyes darted upward from her butt and into her eyes. "You've seen this before, don't act that way." She nervously giggled as she had her arm covering her nipples, "I'm sure I'm nothing compared to your baby momma but you make me feel like I could compare." She bit her lip and he kicked the last of his pants off.

"Stefani, you are much, much more beautiful than her, than anyone." He walked closer to the bed as he looked across it to her. "You make me feel." He ran his hand through his hair and looked down at the bulge in his boxer briefs. He looked back up and chuckled. "I-" he was at a loss for words, and that doesn't happen often.

"Thank you." She whispered and crawled into the bed, still hiding herself, but her lace panties covered barely anything so she placed her blanket over her lower half. "Can I use a shirt?" She asked and he nodded, getting up and grabbing one from his suitcase.

"Here you go." He smiled and looked away as she put it on. He leaned to turn off the light then felt arms wrap around his neck from behind and he was pulled down, his head hitting the pillow. They both laughed and he closed his eyes as her lips landed on his cheek.

He turned to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hmmmm, I like that." She closed her eyes and sighed contently as one of his hands ran through her soft blonde hair. Her breathing slowed as he watched her.

"Goodnight, Stefi." He pecked the top of her nose and closed his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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