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The tiny taps at the door that he could barely hear let him know that she was there. He quickly got up and slowly walked to the door, not wanting to seem so urgent to answer when inside he felt like becoming a roadrunner.

He slowly opened the door and looked down at the small woman. He smiled and moved to the side, "Come in."

"Hi, Bradley." She said lightly as she walked in and examined the nice room, she was actually three floors above him.

"Hey Stef, have a seat anywhere." He smiled nervously at her and sat down on the couch. He's never really felt this sort of emotion around her, it was mostly always comfort and love but since she broke his heart he didn't know how to act.

She sat down on the same couch with a little distance and looked down at her hands. "So." She said quietly as she looked up at him.

Bradley's eyes noticed the necklace wrapped in her hand, he sighed and cleared his throat. "If you're here to bring it back, I-it's for you and I'd love for you to keep it, for the memories we had." He painfully smiled.

"No I, I just like to hold it." She fiddled with the rose charm. "The note was very sweet." She whispered and Bradley smiled.

"It's- I should've taken it out but I'm glad you liked it." Bradley's heart was pounding. 'Gosh she looks so beautiful' is all he kept saying in his head.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after moments of silence. She looked up at him after he didn't reply and her eyes watered when she saw that his were glassy. "Brad." She breathed out and scooted closer. Each hand landed on each side of his face, the warm gold of the charm pushed into his skin.

He closed his eyes at her touch. A shaky breath escaped his lips, he didn't want to cry in front of her again. He's never felt such a strong emotion caused by a woman before and he weakly chuckled, "what have you done to me, woman?" Air escaped his nose as he angled his head down and she pushed her forehead against his, their noses touching.

"I'm sorry." She repeated, "You're the sweetest man I've ever known." She grabbed his hand and held his much larger fingers as she put it against her heart, "I love you." She whispered, her eyes were gently closed and fluttered open when she felt him stiffen.

"You do?" He sniffled and she nodded with a sad smile. "But, the guy you're..." He stayed silent and dropped his hand from her chest.

"It's over between me and him, I didn't know what I was thinking." She looked into the blue ocean she loved so much. "I should have waited," She sniffled, "seeing how hurt you were haunted me, still does, B." She bit her lip and held his face again, pained that he removed his hand.

"You left him?" He asked and she nodded. Bradley took a deep breath in and placed his hand on her knee, "will you let me love you entirely?" He asked as he grabbed her hand with the necklace and charm, holding it in between his own.

She looked into his eyes. She felt Bradley could protect her, she wants him, his love. She's scared of getting hurt, she's in so deep for him and she hopes he won't hurt her. To hold her forever and never hurt her, if he did that, he'd be the first who ever did. "You have me." She whispered and pushed her palm up into his hand, the charm getting heat from both of their hands.

Bradley closed his eyes with a content sigh, brushed his nose against hers, giving her an eskimo kiss. The smile plastered on her face made his heart melt right into her as their lips inches closer.

The pair of lips latched to each other for the first time as Stefani and Bradley. Bradley gently caressed her skin as if she was the most precious diamond to ever exist, and truth be told, to him she was. Once they broke their sweet kiss, Gaga fluttered her eyes opened and grabbed his hand, placing the necklace in his palm.

Slight panic rushed inside of him, was she giving it back? He gulped and she gently pecked his lips.

"Put it on me?" She asked as she turned around. "I haven't put it on, I was hoping you'd put it on me." She giggled shyly and pulled her hair up, holding it in a bunch in her hands.

"My pleasure." His heart felt so warm. He scooted closer and placed it around her neck through one arm, grabbing the other end through the other and securing the small clip. He leaned forward and kissed the nape of her neck, his nose stayed there, inhaling her sent that made him dizzy. She let her hair fall down and let it fall to the right as his kisses moved to below her ear. "Let me see it." He gently spoke.

She turned around and Bradley smiled, "so beautiful, my rose." He leaned forward and kissed her neck again, kissed the charm and found his way to her lips.

Few minutes later she was laying down on the couch as his head was resting on her stomach. He was almost asleep, her delicate fingers running through his hair felt so good to him.

"I could get used to this." She giggled and he smirked, his eyes smiling as he looked up at her.

"Me too." He put his head back down and kissed the thinnest bit of her skin of her stomach showing. Her leggings and oversized tee shirt looked so good on her. His big hand held onto her thigh as he closed his eyes again.

It god quite late, her eyes were closed his she caressed his hair as he slept and she groaned once she heard her phone ring. She sat up, carefully to not wake him up, placing his head on a pillow. She answered.

Bradley opened his eyes when he heard her talk, "yes I know it's late, I can see the time, okay I'll be there." She hung up and rolled her eyes.

"Everything okay?" He asked and reached forward, his hand subconsciously going under her shirt to touch the skin on her lower back, gently rubbing her warm skin.

"Yeah, they just need me back in my room, I need to rehearse a little, get some sleep then start getting ready." She sighed and leaned forward to kiss him, "our first day together and I have to leave." She shook her head against his cheek and he held her still to kiss her again.

"Let me walk you up." He began to sit up and she bit her lip.

"Peter is outside." She frowned and he nodded.

"It's okay, that's okay, I'll see you tomorrow, I can head by your room just text me." He held her face and kissed her gently.

"Okay." Her eyes were full of tears that she was trying to hold back.

"Stef? What's wrong?" He kissed below her eyes and she sighed.

"I feel that our relationship will be like this, me or you having to leave for our jobs, not being together as much as-" she was cut off by his lips that pushed against hers.

"Don't worry about that, we will fight through that." He kissed her again and she nodded. "I love you." He pulled a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and she smiled.

"I love you." She whispered and pecked his lips.

He stood up and held her hand as he walked her to the door, he opened it for her and kissed her again before she caressed his cheek and walked out into the hallway, Peter kindly smiling at Bradley before walking with her to the elevator.

Bradley closed the door once she was out of sight and sighed, a smile rose onto his lips. Finally.

Well hello, enjoy this sweetness because, well....

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