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"Have you seen Bradley?" Gaga asked once she was off stage. Her eyes had looked for him all throughout her set but they never found those ocean eyes.

Bobby turned around when the small hand latched to his elbow. "No I haven't, last time I saw him was before your performance." Bobby looked around with her.

"Okay thank you." She nodded as she bit her lip and looked around.

"Want to leave already?" Bobby asked.

"Uh, no I want to find him first." She walked away before he could say another word. After ten minutes she stepped outside onto the large balcony in her skin tight ivory dress, her blonde waves were gently placed over one shoulder and the most beautiful naturally glowy make up was on her face. Then she saw him, sitting down looking out to the sunset. She smiled and walked to him.

The balcony was near empty, just two faces she's never seen before which she kindly smiled to. She quietly stood behind him, leaned down, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Her hands were placed on his chest and she turned to look into his eyes that reflected the sunset.

"Hey cowboy, where were you during my performance?" She whispered and pecked his cheek.

He didn't say anything, his mind was going frantic with things to say, things to ask. But he just sat there; breathing steadily and barely blinking.

"Are you okay?" She asked and sat beside him, wrapping his arm in hers. She couldn't take her eyes away from his face, she saw him gulp and she sighed. "B?" She whispered. "What's wrong?" She then asked as she scooted closer to him.

He angled his head down as he shook his head. "Nothing Stefani." He slowly stood up and tried to free his arm from her grasp but she held onto his hand when he was fully standing. He allowed himself to look into her eyes, her green beautiful eyes that were glowing in the golden sunset. Everything was glowing really; her cheekbones, her glossy lips, eyelids, and the tip of her slightly too large nose that he loved so much. But her eyes held worry, worry that something was wrong with him, with them, slightly confirming her prediction of their relationship; they wouldn't work out.

"Please, talk to me, I know there's something wrong." Her heart rate quickened as he pushed her gentle fingers away with his thumb and put both his hands in his pocket.

"I'm going back to the hotel." He whispered and she stood up once he took a step.

"Okay...I'll go with you, wait for me, I'll go tell Bobby and get my purse." She walked beside him.

"My car is already here." He pointed to a car down the stairs to their right.

"Okay B, but wait for me, please?" She gently held his arm as she stretched her neck to kiss his jaw. She let his arm go and smiled up at him, hoping that just maybe, her smile would lift his mood.

"I already did." He whispered under his breath as she turned around and felt his heart break as he walked away down the steps as she walked back into the hall to retrieve her belongings and tell her team that she would be leaving with him. Bradley walked up to his car and sat down in the back seat as his driver drove away at his command.

"I'm leaving with Bradley." Gaga kisses Bobby's cheek as she informed them. "Walk me out?" She asked him and he nodded, following her out to the balcony again. "I found him out here." She answered his unasked question.

"So where is he?" Bobby asked as they had looked around again.

"I'm not sure, I asked him to wait for me. I couldn't have been more than 3 minutes." She opened her purse and took her phone out, she dialed his number and held it to her ear.

As she tried to contact him, Bobby opened his social media and scrolled through. His eyebrows rose as he looked up at her.

"He's not answering me." She whispered and looked into her managers brown eyes, "what's wrong?" She walked closer to him and looked into his phone without an invitation, but that didn't matter.

"The pictures of you and Dan were released today." He gently told her as he clicked on comments and read them beside her.

She looked up into his eyes as her nose and cheeks were now flushed in pink, her eyes felt warmer and she held his forearm to steady herself. "I never told him, I-I didn't tell him that those pictures were going to come out, that-that they didn't mean anything...I should've told him." She stuttered. "Bobby, let's go back to the hotel, now!" Her voice cracked on her last words and within four minutes she was sitting in her car being driven back to the hotel.

Her thumbs were frantically typing on her phone, sending him messages and she continued to call him. Trying to get a hold of him.

Bradley walked into his hotel room, threw his phone onto the bed and grabbed his suitcase. He was planning on attending the 3-day retreat but change of plans, he just wants to get back home, hold his daughter and clear his mind.

After packing the little bit of luggage he had, he sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed his phone, unlocked it and read her messages:

'I thought you'd wait for me to get my things'

'Did I do something wrong B?'

'Please answer me

'I can explain the pictures Bradley, just please answer me'

'I'm going back to the hotel, will you be in your room?'

'I love you'

And those messages were accompanied by four missed calls that had stopped ten minutes ago. He put his phone down and laid on his bed. He knows he should allow her to explain the images, because if she could he'd try his best to fix the mess he made by not waiting for her. He'd wait for her, he'd wait for her till he's on his deathbed.

Gaga hurriedly got into the elevator, tears streamed down her face and she was hoping that was in his room. Bobby stood beside her, "Stef, I'm sorry I completely forgot that they were set to come out today, I should have cancelled them."

"It's fine Bobby." She continues to look at the numbers of the elevator going to his floor. Peter stood behind them and once the elevator opened the doors he was right behind the small blonde who was walking as fast as her heels could take her.

"Should I stay out here?" Peter asked as he fought up and looked at Bobby who was still trying to keep up with them.

"If he answers I'm not going back to my room tonight, so you can leave when he lets me in, both of you can." Her mascara stained eyes looked at Bobby who nodded. She knocked on the door before her, "Bradley, it's me, please let me in." She sniffled as she knocked again.

Peter and Bobby both looked elsewhere, not wanting to see their boss break down as the minutes passed with no response on the other side of the door. But finally, the lock turned and the door slowly opened.

Eeeeeeee I've been updating yay me

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