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"I'll see you tonight." Bradley whispered into her hair before gently pecking the blonde. He felt her nod into his chest and he backed up, put his hand under her chin and kissed her softly. "You're performing?" He let her go and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling her down with him.

"Yeah, bad romance, la vie en rose and poker face all on my piano." She smiled and sighed as she looked at his facial features, her hand reached out and her finger gently grazed his face, she then ran the pad of her pointer finger on his mustache as she smiled, "I like this, it's different but cute." She leaned forward and kissed the side of his mouth.

"I'm glad you do, I have to look like this for a while for filming." He chuckled and grabbed her hand to kiss the back of it, "still have to clean myself up for tonight." He ran his fingers over his barely visible beard. "Speaking of, when will you start getting all dolled up?"

"When about an hour." She said after looking at her phone. "Want to sit out and look over the balcony till everyone gets here?" She asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Of course." He stood up and picked her up, walking with her as she giggled in his arms. He sat on the loveseat and she set beside him, her legs on his and her back against the arm rest.
"What have you been up to?" He asked as she wiggles her toes and he grabbed her bare foot, gently massaging it. I love every part of this woman. He chuckled to himself then looked back up at her.

"Making sure there are enough units for haus labs and have been in the studio." She smiled, "we have so many pre orders it's a bit overwhelming but I'm excited for the product to finally come out and into everyone's hands." She giggled excitedly. "Wait here!" She chirped and ran into her hotel room.

Bradley chuckled and silently waited till she came back with many tubs in her hands, "baby, what are you-" Bradley laughed knowing what she was going to do and she sat back down beside him.

"Can I please put some makeup on you?" She sounded like a child and he laughed.

"This seems awfully familiar." He laughed as he turned to face her, "I guess so." He smiled and waited for her.

She smiled with a glint of excitement in her eyes as she opened the shade Corset and put the applicator to his lips, running it along his lips. "Oh that looks so good." She proudly said and closed the tube. She then grabbed the glam attack in Chained Ballerina and colored in the crease of his lid, holding his twitching eye closed, "B! Stay still!" She giggled and kissed his forehead as she was trying to work past his flinching.

"I'm trying my best here." He laughed and took a deep breath, really trying to stay still.

"You ruined it but it's still cute." She sat back against her feet and opened Legend, smearing it on his kids and mixing the two with her finger, "Okay, you're going to need to calm down you are looking possessed." She laughed as he kept trying to keep his eye closed and flinching at the same time making his eyes roll back.

""I'm trying, I'm sorry." He laughed and caressed her hip as she clot closer again to pat Aphrodite onto his cheek bones. He opened his eyes and looked into hers that were concentrated. She sat back and looked at him with a smile.

"You moved around too much but I did a damn good job." She smiled at her work, grabbed his faces and kissed his glossy lips, "beautiful." She giggled and kissed him again.

"Not as much as you." He kissed her back and laughed as she now had gloss on her lips. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." His thumb pulled down her bottom lip and he leaned forward to connect them again, "these lips are my favorite." He whispered and gently but her bottom lip before softly kissing her.

Just then her hotel room door opened and the voices of her team were heard, "and it's time." She groaned and pecked him quickly before standing, "Thank you." She whispered and tapped his nose as she walked into the hotel, Bradley following closely behind her.

"Oh my god." Sarah started laughing right as her eyes fell on his face causing everyone to laugh.

"Stop! He's beautiful! I will fire all of you!" Gaga jokes and stood on her top toes to hold his face against hers, "he's my beautiful canvas." She turned and pecked his lips before letting him go and giggled to herself and her team.

"I feel great." He laughed and held her hand as she walked with him to the door. "Now for real, I'll see you tonight." He chuckled and she nodded.

"Can't wait, honey." She gently kissed him. "The dinner is quick so want to come back here after? So we can hang out? We can't really be seen together there." She sighed and he nodded.

"If It were up to me I'd just leave after your performance, want to do that?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay, bye sweetie." He pecked her lips and she closed her eyes.

"By honey, her eyes were smiling once she opened them, along with her lips. A makeup wipe suddenly appeared between them making Gaga laugh as she took it from Sarah and quickly wiped his face clean from the glosses and glitters. One last kiss and a laugh and he was gone. She sighed and smiled widely as she walked to her team to get ready.

Bradley didn't have social media, but he had access to it, after searching his name in curiosity he was taken to an Instagram page with a post of him and his daughter grocery shopping.

"Fuckin paparazzi." Breathed out, never liking seeing pictures of his daughter online, and if they were online he preferred them to block her beautiful face. He scrolled down and seen the next posts. The caption read:

'Lady Gaga and rumored boyfriend Dan Horton kiss on romantic brunch date'

His heart sank down to his feet as he saw the picture of her leaned down kissing a guy he's never seen. He sat down in his tux, his hand going to his mouth as he seen more photos and many upset comments.

He didn't know what to think of this, she told him it was over between them but now pictures released of them, he knows she's here, actually floors away from him but the photos were from two days before, why didn't she tell him? What is she doing to him? He started to think that she may have seen this as a game, but he knows her, he knows how genuine and real she is.

He closed his eyes as he felt them water, he dug his face into his hands after he let his phone fall, and he sat there trying to control his emotions.

So uh yeah, Bradley's heart hurts a little.

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