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Bradley never thought he'd ever feel this way about a woman. He's never felt this way, not to the woman he once married neither the woman he has a child with. This was something else entirely, raw and pure love.

He sat in his car parked out of his house, not knowing what to do with one of his hands stuck on the keys to take them out of the ignition. After five more minutes he finally got the strength to get out of the car, keys clenched in his hands. He walked up to his house and inserted the key, turning it and opening the door. He walked in and seen the kind eyes of his mother looking up at him.

"How did it go, sweetie?" Gloria reached up to touch her son's cheek and seen him slump his shoulders with his eyes glossy. "Oh no, what happened?" She immediately became concerned because he was never like this. She led him to sit down and she gently rubbed his back as he took a deep breath in and sighed.

"She uh, she found someone else." He gulped and felt ashamed to tell her. Before he left he had excitedly told her that finally, finally he and his Stefani were going to be official. But, sadly he took too long.

"But She said she loved yo-"

"I know." He interrupted her, "but not anymore." He spoke lightly and sat back on the couch, "I-I don't know what to do, mom, I don't know how to fix it." She covered his mouth with his hand before he heard his daughter's cries from her room upstairs.

"I'm going to bed after I get her down again." Bradley Hughes and kissed his mother's cheek before walking up the stairs, he took his jacket off and threw it through the door of his room then walked to the next where Lea was at. She sat up in her bed rubbing her eyes with her left hand as the other held the rail of her toddler bed, she cried and looked up to her father.

Once she saw him she reached her hands up and Bradley sat down on the small section of the bed that wasn't covered in bars. He reached for her and sat her on his lap, he kissed her forehead and gently rocked his two year old, "I'm here princess, it's okay, daddy's here." He whispered against her soft blonde hair and placed small kisses that seemed to calm her down. "What's wrong, princess?"

"Scewwy dream." Her toddler voice made his heart warm and he kissed her head again.

"I'm sorry baby, it's okay, I promise I will never let anything happen to you, okay? It was just a dream." He promised his daughter who nodded, "want me to sleep here tonight?" He asked the toddler who nodded once again. Bradley wanted to get up and change into pajama pants but he didn't want to leave his little love alone so he picked her up, wrapped her soft blanket around her and took her to his room, he laid her on the bed and covered her with her soft blanket and kissed her head. He walked to his bathroom and quickly changed and brushed his teeth before turning out the light and connected a small nightlight.

He laid down beside her and turned in his side to hold her closely as she moved to make herself comfortable and warmly cuddled him. He smiled and dig his nose into her hair, gently running his fingers from her temple to her ear then into her hair. This did the trick and she was fast asleep, he let his puffy eyes close and fell asleep feeling comfortable with his daughter in his arms.
'It's that simple to give up on me? On us?' His voice didn't leave her head as she lay curled up under her blanket, 'to our new love' she could see the letters in his hand writing in her head whenever she closed her eyes.

She was waiting, she intended to wait till she couldn't anymore, but as he slowly became more distant she adored the attention she was getting from Daniel. She now understood that he was distant because of dealing with custody and everything, and she now doesn't feel so adored by Dan. She sniffled and held her blanket close as she looked at the moonlight shining on the small diamond on the necklace. She bit her lip as she thought of his note again.

"I should've waited." She whispered into her lonely room as she cried into the blanket, now realizing she has lost him.

It was now 6am and she hadn't slept a wink, she jumped when she heard small knocks at her door and she sat up, "yeah?" She called out and Natali peeked her head in.

"Bobby's here, it's time to talk business." Natali looked sympathetically at her sister who was clearly upset.

"Okay." She stood up and walked into her bathroom, "I'll be down in a minute."

Five minutes later, Gaga walked down the steps with her hair in a small bun and one of her shirts on. She hugged Bobby who looked at her concerned.

"You okay, G?" He asked and Gaga nodded with a small forces smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She walked to her kitchen and grabbed a cup before she began to make herself some coffee. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"Okay so, there's that google event that happens annually, right?" He said as he leaned onto the kitchen counter.

"Yes." She nodded as she took a sip of her coffee. "Do they want me?" She asked and he nodded.

"Performance, you don't have to stay for the whole three day camp." He stayed and she nodded.

"Okay, I'll do it." She shrugged, "is it private?" Once he nodded she nodded again, "yeah I'll do it."

"Okay, and hate to say it but the comments are still on your instagram and whenever you google your name it's nothing but Bradley and Irina, so I think you and Daniel should make a public appearance very soon, maybe tomorrow?"

"You're setting me up on a date with my...." She didn't know what to call him because they weren't official, beck they haven't even slept together. "Dan, did you talk to him about this?"

"Yeah, He said he'd take you, we already talked and do brunch maybe, in the daylight. Also I reached out to People and arranged for a paparazzo to be there to take a few pictures, those will be released hand you are in Italy."

"Why till I'm there?" She asked confused.

"Because, everyone loves you right now as Bradley's possibly lover, they can pull you out whenever so they'll be released after you do your performance. People exclusive."

She thought about how Bradley would feel with this, he already hates her but would he hate her more? She'll need to find a way to make all of this better, but as of right now the topic at hand was her career, "Okay, let's do that." She nodded and had to mentally plan out her plan to make everything better.

It's a slow start but I hope I could make it better, this chapter was rough 😭😬

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