First Day

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The sound of my alarm pounded in my eardrums. '6:30 AM' it read. I felt as if I could cry. I didn't want to start at a new school today. I hated always being the new kid. We always moved because my parents were lawyers and they were always moving away on business. I was always bullied. Being the new kid, and because I was smart. Or because I didn't have as much money and dress as nice as others. Even if not for those reasons, people always found away to make fun of me.

I hopped out of bed and headed to my closet to find something to wear. I decided on the nicest outfit I had. It was a pink sweater that come down to my thighs, skinny jeans, and tan uggs.

I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I put my hair in a messy bun, and decided put on blush and mascara. I really have never liked to where much more makeup than that. I like the natural more than fake look.

I ran downstairs, told my parents bye, and walked to school. It was only 5 minutes away, so I didn't wanted to kill my parents eating time.

As I was approaching, I noticed how nice the school was. The front office looked as if it was a college. It looked like a huge mansion. How is a poor girl like me supposed to fit in at a school like this?

I walked into the front office and got my schedule and map of the school. I headed towards my first period class, but I couldn't find it through the mass of teens walking through the halls. I noticed that some looked wealthy, some like me, and some in between. I kept trying to look down at my map, then my books fell.

I looked up to see I had bumped into a girl. She had blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and a friendly smile.

"I'm sorry." she apologized. "Let me help you," and we bent down to collect my books.

Once I had them into my arms, before I could thank her, she introduced herself. "I'm Maddie." she said.

"I'm Kate." I replied.

She offered to show me to my first class, and I gladly accepted. I needed all the help I could get. As we walked, we noticed we had all our classes together. She started telling me about them, but I kind of wasn't listening.

"Who's that?" I asked her. She saw I was looking towards a tall, toned looking boy with a football jersey on that read 'Castle' and '47' on the back.

"Oh so you've spotted Rick," she said with a sarcastic tone in her voice. I snapped my head to look at her.

"Is there something wrong with him?" I asked.

"Oh no girl. Rick is the quarterback. He's the cutest guy in school. Almost every girl likes him. Including me. But the good thing is, we have every class together except gym," she winked at me and I smiled. I turned my head again to see Rick beginning to walk the same way we were. I smiled faced forward.

I made a new friend, and saw a cute guy. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all. ☺️


So there's the first chapter! 🌚 I can't wait to see where this goes😊 I have some good ideas for this story!

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