Ending the Day-Biology

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The day had gone good so far. Maddy and I had been to all our classes together, eaten lunch, scanned the library during free period, and even caught Rick glancing at me during Trig.☺️Now it was time for my last class, biology. I entered the room side by side with Maddy. We were the first ones in the room. "Where is everyone?" I asked her.

"Oh I'm normally the first person." she replied.

We walked to Mrs. Crunk's desk. I introduced myself, and she got me started, gave me a class syllabus, and assigned me a temporary seat, until the class switched partners. Which just so happened to be today.

"Ok class so this is our new student, Kate." Mrs. Crunk pointed to me and I waved.

The whole period was partners presenting their projects. But the last couple I noticed, was Rick, and the girl I think Maddy told me was his girlfriend. Her name was something like Meredith. With 5 minutes left in class, the teacher assigned us new partners. She decided to just randomly choose us. My heart almost stopped as she told me I was partnered with Rick. I walked over to the desk he was at and sat down. I looked towards the ground, but I could feel his stare.


Thank goodness. The bell. I couldn't take another minute beside Rick. Even though he was really (and I mean really) cute. I liked him, but I had only been there for a day. I could since maybe he wasn't such a good person to hang around.

"KATE!" Maddy almost screamed as I exited biology.

"Yes?" I whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.


"I know."

"EEEK!" she jumped. "Anyways," she said, calming down. "I had tennis practice so I have to go, see you tomorrow!" she waved off.

I walked off to my locker, got my books, and almost got out of the school building, when a girl stopped me.

She was from my last period. She looked my size, wealthy, and was blonde headed like Maddy. She was wearing a cheer jacket.

"So you're Kate right?" she asked. Looking me in the eye with dark, scorning eyes.


"Look." she warned. "I know you're Rick's biology partner. And you better not get too close with him. Because he is mine okay?"

I nodded. "I actually don't have any intention of doing anything except talking with him," Lie.

"Good," and she walked off.

I got home and walked into the front door. I was happy to be home, mostly because until my parents get home, I have the whole house to myself. I went to my room, got my pjs, and headed to the shower. The warm water felt so good on my body.

After about two hours of being on my bed in my pjs studying, I heard my parents come home. They called me downstairs.

"Hey sweetie!" my dad exclaimed pulling me into a hug. "How was your day?"

"Good for the most part," I told him, slipping over to hug my mom.

We ate our Chinese take out and discussed the day, then I headed to my room and prepared myself for tomorrow.

Drifting off into a deep sleep, I felt cozy and warm and thought about the year ahead. I thought it would be good. I was wrong.


So there's chapter two! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been sooooo busy 😫 plus I don't have Internet at my moms so I will try to update every day I can. please tell me what you guys think. Do you like where the story is going?

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