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Liv's POV.

It was a normal Friday night. Since i finished uni me and my Bestfriends drove to the pub and we are currently sitting in our basic booth with our basic drink.

My friends were talking about something but my mind was somewhere else my eyes where looking around the room when i locked my eyes with a pair of brown eyes.

His eyes were full of emotions but i couldn't find out what they where saying. His eyes make me want to meet him but before i could walk up to him jada interrupted my thought "I wouldn't go to him if i was you he's dangerous" she says looking at me "why" is the only thing that leaves my mouth. She just laughs And goes back to her conversation with a random boy that is in our booth.

How did he get here is what i think but i just wave it off and say "I'm gonna get another drink" Kyana and Lakeesha look at me and nod.

The pub was never my thing but it's nice to get out once in a while. For the second time this evening someone shakes me out of my thoughts "what can i give a beautiful lady like you" the bartender asks.

"Can i get a beer please" he nods but before he could walk away i hear a strange voice "can i get one too " i turn around and i see a beautiful handsome young man if i would guess he's 21.

He smiles at me,he has pearl white teeth he's overall looking really cute.

Tom's POV

"Can i get one too" i ask standing behind this cute girl i saw across the bar her brown eyes are to get   lost in. I know i shouldn't bring anyone in my life but looking at her i felt like i was a normal human being not the most feared man in London probably the most feared man in the world.

"That will be 6 pounds" he carefully says and looks up to me. i know he's scared but i got used to it that everyone is scared even though i won't hurt an innocent person. i get pulled out of my thoughts when I see the beautiful girl grab her wallet.

" I'll pay it's okay" i say. i didn't even mean to say that i never do this but I feel like my body is taking over and before i know there is 10 pounds on the table.

I hear her mumble a soft thank you she grabs her drink and walks away. I don't think much of it she probably scared everyone is right?

Liv's POV

I sit down and immediately i feel three pair of eyes with me "so..." i hear kyana say. "So what" i say while i look at them " so who was that cute boy that payed for you" i sigh the last thing i want to talk about is boys. After my ex my life went downhill.

And fast. After he left me i felt empty and alone even though i knew he wasn't good for me. Jada called it a toxic relationship, but i rather not call it that.

"I'm going home" is the last thing that i say before i put some money on the table and put on my jacket. The last thing i do is lock eyes the second time tonight with the guy that payed for my drink. "You didn't even drink your beer" I hear Lakeesha yell.
" drink it" I yell back and with that i'm out of the door.

Before I fall asleep my mind goes back to those beautiful brown eyes I know I will never forget them but will I ever see them again.

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