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Liv's POV

A normal thing for me to go to is the gym it's a way to blow off all the emotions i have. Living with three girls is amazing don't get me wrong, but sometimes we all can get full of each other. So the gym is for me
A way to be alone.

Driving to the gym i always find out that Sunday morning it's really quiet outside especially at 8 am. i arrive at the gym at 8:30am and I start working out right away. i was only working out for 30 minutes when i hear the door open i don't think much of it,and continue hitting the punch bag when i hear a male voice say "you need to move your hips more"

I look behind me and i see a pair of of pierce blue eyes staring at me. What's with all the men these last few days. "Look let me show you" he walks up to me " no thank you" i say out of defence.

I feel like a year ago back when i was with my ex boyfriend.


"Come on it will be fun!" Josh my boyfriend of the time says "no babe i'm really not feeling like it i think I'm gonna go home and watch grease with jada,Lakeesha & Kyana." He rolls his eyes that's something he always does when he's gonna do something bad again.

"How many times do i need to tell you liv." His voice becomes louder "when i say that you will come you will come" he walks towards me, and i'm 5ft3 and he's 6ft.

"No please josh i don't want to" he roughly grabs my arm, that's something that he does a lot I know what's coming now. I close my eyes while i let it happen for the fourth time this week.


I shake the thoughts out of my head and look back at the blue eyed boy. "I'm sorry it's a reflex" I softly say.
"Are you okay?" He says while he touches my arm softly. My body is screaming at me to run but my legs don't move an inch. "i'm fine?" I say more as a question kind of asking for his name. "Harrison but you can call me haz" he laughs at me.

"I'm fine Harrison thank you" we look at each other and I was screaming for something to happen so I can leave this awkward conversation. And just on que i got a text.
Tha crib🤪💘

Jada💘: hey guys movie night Tonight I'll order food!

Lakeesh🧚🏽‍♂️: YASS I'm in. Since Lewis is out of town i'm bored asf what movie tho?

Me: i'm in and like lakeesh said what movie and what to eat?

Kyaan🌵: James is out of town too so i'm in too! What about Hannah Montana it's a long time since we saw that one.

Jada💘: I love that movie! And what to eat

Me: anything but sushi😔

Lakeesh🧚🏽‍♂️: sushi is kind of good

Kyaan🌵: sushi is a good idea

Jada💘: okay liv ur gonna suck it up we are eating sushi I'll order see y'all tonight!

Me: xxx💘💘
Lakeesha and Kyana are dating twins and me and jada are the single ones even though jada is picking up a lot of guys recently.

I look up at Harrison "I'm going have a nice day Harrison!" With that i pack my stuff and walk away.

Harrison POV

"I'm going have a nice day Harrison!" She says. She's walked away straight after that sentence left her mouth "am i ever gonna see you..." she's almost out of the door this is useless "again" I whisper under my breath.

After that i work out forgetting about the girl without a name that kind of reminds me tom the girl he explained to me from yesterday but that can't be her right?

Liv's POV

Back home i take a shower and lay down on my bed. Jada, Lakeesha & Kyana won't be home till 2:30PM and it's now 9:30AM so i have time. i remeber i never had breakfast so i walk downstairs and connect my phone to the box that Kyana forced us to get kind of smart if i think about it.
I play 'I will survive from glorida gaynor'
(put it on its a good song)

I sing the lyrics and dance to it when i Suddenly get a text from jada.

Jada💘: I'm almost home I was allowed to leave work early because it's Saturday! Cook something for me?

Me: that's amazing! I am cooking some pancakes so I'll make some more for you. How bout lakeesh and Kyaan are they almost home?

Jada💘: no they will be back around 2:30pm i'm omw now thank you!

I keep cooking pancakes until i hear the front door open and i see jada standing in the doorway. Ngl sometimes i am jealous of her her brown hair and tall figure is beautiful. She kisses me on the cheek as a hello "ur just in time" I laugh and give her the plate full of pancakes.

"Thank you" she smiles and starts eating. We listen to the song 'broken clocks' from SZA over the box while she eats her pancakes and i moved from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.

Before i know it tiredness washes over me and i fall asleep.

Jada's POV

I see that liv fell asleep so i softly put a blanket over her body and i order the sushi. And after a little while i see lakeesha and Kyana walk through the door i greet them and just talk to them before the sushi arrives.

Liv's POV

I wake up with the sound of a doorbell going i guess that's the sushi. I look at my phone and i see that it's already 4pm woah my ass slept long.

I see my friends sitting in our car standing in the living room. Yes a car. That's our dining table. Our dining table is an old jeep it kind of looks like stiles his jeep in teen wolf if you know what i mean.

I stand up and just on que jada walks in with the sushi. We all sit on the couch and lakeesha puts the movie on Kyana grabs some more blankets and pillows, and jada puts the sushi on the table. I grab some soda and four cups and put them down too.

With that the movie starts and the food gets eaten mostly by jada because she loves it that much. Midway through the movie i slowly drift off to sleep again for the second time that day. Gosh i love these girls my life is great tbh.

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