The Night Before

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    One day my family and I went to a hotel, like all family's do over breaks, we went over Halloween. Well we were heading towards Corona, California. We were all in the car. When my mom, Kara, then got a call from the hotel, she said it sounded like a guy. Then his breathing got really heavy my mom kept asking him if he was okay he said he was fine. Then he told her we can't stay in the hotel my mom said why not? The guy had no response. When all of a sudden all of us, my dad, Gavin, my mom, and little sister, Darrian and even me, heard screaming, horrible unbelievably loud screaming. Then nothing no noises nothing. My mom started saying "Hello? Hello?" Nothing, no one would say anything, so she hung up. We pulled over to talk over what we all heard. My parents said let's head to the hotel to see what happend. Darrian, and I had no choice not to go.

   We got probably about 30 minutes from where the hotel, should be. When we start seeing some weird stuff, like flipped over cars and broken light poles and street signs, trees all over the roads. Dead people all over, it was so sad. Gavin, my dad, said it looked like a unexpected tornado came through. I said there aren't tornadoes in California. My mom told my dad to pull over, so he did. We listened, nothing, no noises what so ever, no wind nothing, dead silence. Darrian said "please daddy turn around!" Mom said something isn't right, go to the hotel, my dad started to drive. When we got there, the hotel was in middle of nowhere. So we got out to go ask, what was going on. Well we got all of our stuff and went in. It smelt like blood. It was bitter cold. But It looked really elegant, kinda old looking but, nice. There was no one at the desk. So we walk in more, the door slams shut behind us, and we all jump. My parents start saying "hello?" again no response. We head up to the desk, my mom tells me to hop the desk and grab a room key. So I hop the desk, then we hear someone yell "WHY ARE YOU BEHIND MY DESK?!" I jump back over the desk, without a room key, yelling "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" My sister is now screaming. I yell back "Who are you? Matter of a fact WHAT are you?"

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