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Since their training, the alarm had invaded the scrapyard and Drift, Slipstream and Jetstorm along with a few of the Elemental Mini-cons had been sent to the forest to investigate the wierd Cybertronian life signal Fixit had discovered.

Kindheart wouldn't stop staring at the trees. This was because they represented her element and they generally interest her. But Crossflare couldn't care less.

"I can't wait to capture this mystery con so that we can get Kindheart away from this place," she groaned.

"Trees are amazing, Flare. And there's definitely not enough in the world," Kindheart replied only to get a shrug from her younger sister.

Without warning, Galeside swung down infront of them from a branch, allowing her arms to fall below her head as she hung there. "You're right, trees are amazing." Crossflare screamed while Kindheart and Galeside laughed.

"Do you mind?" Sunburst interfered.

"Sorry," the three said before Galeside climbed back up the tree.

Suddenly, they heard a russeling in the bushes. Everyone prepared for battle.

"Heart," Sunburst ordered the mini-con.

Kindheart stepped forward and stomped her pede on the ground. Vines rose up from the soil and grabbed something behind the bush.

"Get off me!" They heard a female voice shout as Gadget slowly edged her way over. Placing the stasis cuffs on the Con's wrists.

"Secured," the mini-con said with her thumb up.

She dragged the Con out from behind the bush and it revealed a golden mini-con. Slipstream and Jetstorm couldn't believe their optics. "No..."

Both dropped their weapons, there was no way this was happening.

"Wait... You're Solar!" Frostback exclaimed. She ran over and uncuffed the mini-con.

"I am." She saw Slipstream and Jetstorm. "By the Primes, you're okay."
She ran up to them and hugged Slipstream, but Jetstorm backed off before his carrier could give him a hug too.

"Carrier, b-but you were killed years ago," Slipstream told her. 

"The explosion knocked me unconscious for a few days, and the rubble covered up my protoform, so it seemed that way to you," she replied.

Jetstorm looked both angry and surprised. He grabbed his nun-chucks then began walking back to the scrapyard.

Drift caught up with and stopped him. "Jetstorm, aren't you going to say hello to your carrier?"

"No!" Jetstorm began running back home wiping his optics as he did. The team shared a worried look between them.
The team arrived back at the scrapyard to meet, Denny, Russell and Nightshade, who was holding Remix. Jetstorm ran straight passed them and into his quarters, slamming the door behind him.

"Is he okay?" Nightshade asked Overflow.

"Obviously not, but I'm not sure why," she replied.

Sunburst walked over to join the conversation with Solar, introducing the mini-cons to each other. "And this is my twin sister, Nightshade. Along with our baby sister, Remix."

Solar instantly ran to Nightshade and grabbed Remix, immidiently hugging her and tickling her tank. The sparkling seemed to like it.

"She reminds me of my mini-cons when they were younger," she smiled.

The eight sisters glanced at each other and laughed happily, but Crossflare was the first to stop and turn to face Slipstream and Jetstorm's quarters. The black mini-con still laid inside. She wanted to do something.

"Hey, I'll be right back," she whispered to Frostback, the femme nodded without realising where she was going. Crossflare ran to the door of the their quarters.
Jetstorm was slowly turning the pages of the photo album he had found on the floor. It showed him and and his carrier along with Slipstream. He smiled lightly at a few of them, but most led to tears.

Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door. He then heard a familiar femme voice who he wanted to see.

"Jetstorm, can I come in?" Crossflare asked.

He quickly closed the book and shoved it under his berth before answering "Yes."

She pushed the door open to find Jetstorm sitting on his berth with his helm down. She stepped in slowly with her's down aswell.

"You know, your carrier's settling in really well," she smiled.

"I don't care," he turned his helm away from her.

"You know it's okay to be mad. But it's not okay to keep it all to yourself. And I can't help you until you tell me what's going on." Crossflare leaped onto his berth and caught a glimpse of the book poking out so she picked it up and held it infront of the mini-con.

"Oh, that? T-That's nothing, really. It's just something Slipstream put together," Jetstorm stuttered.

She smirked and threw the book between her servos. "I knew my little sis was hiding something from me, but I just couldn't put my digit on it."

She sat down again and opened the book. There were pictures of Slipstream and Jetstorm, Solar and Astrobang. They were all together as a family. She gave a warm smile to each photo. Admiring them.

Crossflare used her servo to project an image of her and her sisters. Standing in the Realm of the Primes, all using their elemental powers. The image flickered as she clenched her fist to delete it. Then turned her attention back to Jetstorm.

"You know, my father left to go fight in the war. We didn't see him for around ten years, maybe more. I missed him, I missed him so much. But my sister's were always there for me, and I was there for them." Crossflare turned her head to face him. Jetstorm smiled ban at her.

"I'm happy that she's back, but she could've come back years ago. So why didn't she? And where's sire?"

Just as Jetstorm was saying that. Slipstream turned to face the door when he heard his brother talk about Astrobang. So he stopped and listened.

"I don't know, Jetstorm. But I'm sure he was as lucky as his sparkmate," she stood up while saying the last few words.

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Jetstorm climbed off of his berth to answer it and it was Overflow.

"Hi, Jetstorm. Oh, hey Flare. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and to tell you that Bumblebee wants you on the patrol team with me, Frost and Sun. I know it's new but he feels that it will allow you to put some distance between you and Solar for a bit."

"Sure, I'll meet you at the front gate in two minutes," he smiled and closed the door.

Slipstream thought about their father. He didn't know if it was true or not.

But he had to find out...

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