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"All personel to the Command Centre immidiently!" Fixit cried into the comm unit. Just after he did the whole team came running towards the caretaker mini-con and Gadget who was staring at a monitor.

"What's the story, Fixit?" Bumblebee asked.

"Sunburst, Overflow, Frostback and Jetstorm's signals have all vanished. Indicating that the mini-cons were either knocked out or taken," Fixit explained.

"But seeing as I can't find their signals anywhere in Crown City, I'm guessing it was the first one," Gadget added which caused a gasp from Slipstream, Galeside, Nightshade and Crossflare, but it also gave the fire mini-con a chance to do what she's been wanting to do for a long time.

"Come on, sisters. Let's go find the Patrol Team!" She pointed to the front gate.

"Hey." Gadget ran down from the Command Centre to confront her sister. "How come you get to lead?"

"Because, Gadget, Sunburst isn't here right now and it's the middle of the day which means Nightshade is useless so I'm the obvious next best choice to lead our little team. And I thought you were the smart one," Crossflare replied.

Gadget grunted as Kindheart walked over to join her twin. "But me and Gadget are the second oldest, so wouldn't it make sense for one of us to lead?" She stood infront of Gagdet to keep her away from Crossflare. "Also the forest is nature, which is my element, so I'd be the best choice."

Gadget smirked while Nightshade nodded. "I agree, Kindheart would be a much better leader in these circumstances."

The four mini-cons began arguing amongst themselves which drove Slipstream and Galeside crazy. Almost crazy enough for the storm mini-con to grab her shurikens but instead she just watched until she saw Crossflare's servos glow red along with Gadget's which glowed yellow.

She pulled them apart. "Enough! The longer you four stand here arguing, the more danger our sisters and Jetstorm could be in. So let's stop this nonsense, deactivate our powers and allow Kindheart to lead us!" Crossflare opened her mouth to speak but Galeside intruded with her fist which glowed grey. "Not another word." She backed off while her servos cooled down.

"Okay, I'll go with Bumblebee, Crossflare with Sideswipe, Gadget with Strongarm and Galeside with Grimlock. Nightshade will stay here to protect Remix and Fixit will also stay to track our position and let us know the second you hear something from them," she ordered.

"Good idea, Drift and Slipstream will also join us but Solar will hang back because we don't know what we'll encounter," Bumblebee added.

"I do," Solar whispered under her voice.

Nightshade turned around. "What was that?"

"Uh, I said please bring my son home safe," she responded with fear.

"Don't worry, Solar, if anyone can find them, we can," Strongarm assured her.

"Autobots! Let's rev up and roll out!" The mini-cons climbed into their designated Autobot then they drove away towards the forest.
The Autobots, with the mini-cons on their shoulders, continued to walk through the forest to find the others. Luckily it didn't take long after they heard from Fixit.

"Fixit to all Autobots and Mini-cons. I'm picking up their signals just a few clicks to the North. I think their comms were damaged because I can't contact them. Fixit out."

"Let's go!" Sideswipe yelled before running ahead with Crossflare who had her arms up in the air screaming.

Ahead, they could see the four mini-cons slowly waking up. All except Overflow who still had a tree on her.

"Sun, Frost, Jet!" Crossflare yelled before jumping down from Sideswipe's shoulder. Then she noticed Overflow, the scene slightly amused her. "Hey, sis, you all right?" she chuckled.

"When you're done laughing, get this thing off of me!" Overflow yelled with a muffled voice.

"Fine... Galeside!"

The mini-con of storms rolled her eyes at her older sister before walking over and grabbing the tree with her servos as they glowed grey. She then lifted the tree up high enough for Crossflare to pull Overflow out from underneath it then she dropped it and ran over to Frostback.

"What happened to you four?" Grimlock asked.

"We were ambushed by a Decepticon,"   Sunburst replied as Gadget helped her sit up.

"Or more accurately, a yellow blur," Frostback corrected while Galeside did the same thing to her.

"Wait, a yellow blur?" Bumblebee asked.

"Yes, whoever or whatever it was was moving faster than Frostback on ice skates," Overflow added.

"We tried to fight it, but it was too fast for us to land a strike," Jetstorm also added.

"Fixit? Do you have anything on a speedy yellow Decepticon?" Bumblebee asked through the comms.

"No, sir. The Alchemor's Prisoner Manifest lists no such Decepticon."

"Maybe it's like those Crow Decepticons that flew above the scan," Strongarm suggested.

"No," Sunburst replied. "We could see it, but we couldn't tell who it was."

"I think we'd better take a look at what you saw back at the Alchemor. And repair the damage from the hits you took," Gadget said as she helped Sunburst stand up.

"Strongarm, Drift, take the injured mini-cons along with Slipstream and Gadget back to the scrapyard for repairs while we continue to search for this mystery Con," Bumblebee ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Strongarm transformed and allowed Gadget to grab the straps from her back seat so that she could secure the mini-cons to Grimlock's trailer. Grimlock carried Frostback over to the trailer before laying her down in one corner while Gadget jumped onto it and secured her to it. Bumblebee did the same with Sunburst, Strongarm did the same with Overflow and Drift did the same with Jetstorm.

Once they were all secured, Slipstream deployed onto Drift and Strongarm attached herself to the trailer before slowly towing the mini-cons back to the trailer with Gadget riding inside her.

"Okay, let's track down the ones that dare to harm my twin sister!" Crossflare held out her servo. "For Overflow!"

Galeside placed her servo on top of Crossflare's. "For Frostback."

Kindheart placed her servo in after. "For Sunburst, even though she's not my twin."

Their servos glowed in respondent to their elements so they lifted their servos into the air with a huge cheer. The Autobots just watched the mini-cons' desire to find the guilty bot grew stronger.

Hey readers! I have now reached the half way point of this book. Sorry this took a while but I had a relative over for the week and an exam to revise for. But I'm back now and starting a schedule so I will update more frequently and I will soon announce what days I will update each book very soon. Also thanks for all the support I've received over the summer. It really means a lot.

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