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The battle was over, the Seekers were in stasis, the Mini-cons were repaired and the team finally had time to relax. All except one Mini-con.

Slipstream walked towards his quarters where Frostback was waiting by the door. She seemed to be working on something with her ice powers, but he assumed she was just happy to have them back. However the Ice Mini-con stopped when she saw Slipstream.

"How is he?" he asked, referring to Jetstorm who was inside.

"He's good, Fixit just told him to rest for a bit, while that shot didn't hit him, the blast did a little damage and could've been quite a scare," she replied.

"At least he's okay," he smiled before realising. "Did you tell him?"

"No. No. I couldn't. You wanted to be the one to tell him, but I think now is the right the right time if you're ready." She smiled at him and placed her servo on his shoulder plate as he sighed. "You can do this."

Slipstream enhaled, what he was about to do would be a lot harder than fighting the Seekers. However Frostback gave him confidence. "Thank you, Frostback, for everything."

"Of course, and good luck."

The ice Mini-con opened the door and allowed Slipstream to enter, giving him one final nod before closing it again and leaving the two in the silence.

The Mini-con was suddenly regretting his decision, but after seeing his brother, who was lying on his berth while staring at the ceiling, he couldn't leave him in the dark for any longer.

"Jetstorm, we need to talk."

Instantly, the black Mini-con sat up with a confused faceplate. Slipstream played the words over and over in his processor. He knew this moment was going to arrive, he just didn't think it would be this soon.

"Well... I'm gonna say it like this." Slipstream walked over to Jetstorm and sat beside him on the berth. "A lot of things have happened over the past few days, we found our carrier, you were ambushed by the Seekers and we fought the Seekers again and won, but there is one more thing you need to know..."

Frostback was watching through the window of their quarters, she couldn't hear them, but she could easily tell what they were saying, this was because she saw Jetstorm suddenly lean forward and hug his brother, sobbing.

He had done it, Slipstream had finally told Jetstorm the truth, and now was the other hard part, comforting him.

She wanted to go in, but it wasn't right. They needed to be alone. She edged towards the door with her servo out, reaching for it but resisted. Frostback looked away from the door, she couldn't go in, but she really wanted to.

She grabbed the door and was about to pull it open, but was stopped.

"Frost?" Crossflare asked with a smirk. She quickly let go and forced her servos behind her back. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, uh...nothing." she responded.

The fire Mini-con stared at her sister, who tried to look innocent but failed. "Yeah, right." She looked at her faceplate. "You were gonna go in, weren't you?"

Frostback tried to say no but couldn't she wasn't as good at lying as her twin sister, Galeside. "Yes, I was, but only because something happened."

Crossflare looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Frostback pointed to the window, the girls gazed in and saw the brothers. Still crying in each other's arms. Now Crossflare's smirk had completely vanished. "Oh..."

"Wait." Frostback noticed that the two had stopped and were heading towards the door, "Move!" The two began pushing and shoving each other whilst Slipstream and Jetstorm walked towards the exit.

The door was opened, and the two Mini-cons were greeted by Crossflare and Frostback, who were lying on top of each other. However, when they noticed that the two had arrived, they shot up and dusted themselves off, claiming nothing happened, but they could both clearly see something had.

"Are you okay, Jetstorm?" Crossflare asked.

Jetstorm only nodded, Frostback remembered something and ran behind a pile of scrap. Just then, Solar walked over with a gentle smile on her faceplate.

"Solar," Crossflare spoke, "I have to thank you again for saving my sisters, and Jetstorm and Slipstream."

"I couldn't leave them there, they mean too much to me," she replied.

Instantly, Jetstorm ran up to his carrier and hugged her, both Slipstream and Crossflare were surprised.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Solar chuckled and wrapped her arms around her son, Crossflare placed her servo on Slipstream's shoulder plate.

"I knew things would work out between them." The only thing Slipstream could do was smile in response.

At that moment, Frostback peeked out from behind the scrap. "I have something to show you, but first..." The ice Mini-con ran over to Crossflare and pushed her a few metres back. "Your hot spark will ruin this if you stand too close," she whispered before running back being the scrap. The others could hear her struggling, as if she was trying to move something.

"Um... do you need some help?" Slipstream asked.

"Hold on!" Frostback yelled.

A few minutes later, Galeside began pushing something out from behind the pile. Frostback had called her over for help.

At first, the item looked like a broken ice cube, but when Galeside turned it so that they could see what it was, it was something a lot better.

"Woah..." Crossflare commented.

"Remarkable," Solar added.

The sculpture was of Astrobang, and Galeside had aimed it directly towards the sun so the light shined through and made the sculpture glow. When Slipstream saw Frostback messing with her powers, she was actually making this.

"But, how?" Slipstream asked.

"Your carrier tells wonderful stories," she stated before holding out the photo album. "...and this may have helped too."

That gave Galeside an idea, "Why don't we take a photo infront of the sculpture? We can put it in the photo album, so that we will never forget the reunion of your family."

"That's a wonderful idea, Galeside," Solar nodded.

Together, Solar, Slipstream and Jetstorm stood infront of the sculpture but left enough room so that it could been seen. Galeside was about to take the photo using her optics, but the two Mini-cons stopped her.

"There are some others who should be in it," Jetstorm stated Slipstream nodded in agreement.

Jetstorm ran over to Crossflare and pulled her towards the sculpture, Slipstream did the same with Frostback.

"Now are you ready?"

"Yes!" Slipstream yelled in excitement.

"Okay, say "family."


The photo was taken and placed in the photo album, and since that week it served as a reminder that family cannot be divided, because even when they split up, they always find each other again. Solar joined the team and the two brothers were even closer now, as their father's legacy lives on in their sparks.


So that's it. The end of "Lost Sparks". I did enjoy writing this book and I can't wait to write a sequel. I hope you enjoyed this book and feel free to tell me what you think in the comments.

For last time in "Lost Sparks",

Starburst out.

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