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Gadget was horrified. Those Decepticons were on their way to the scrapyard and all they had defending it was the defences, which wouldn't be able to detect them with their speed, Grimlock and Drift, who were once again too slow, and the Mini-cons who were mainly injured and weakened.

She had to tell the others, but couldn't frighten Fixit. Everybot knows that if he is afraid, he could panic and the repairs may not be completed. But she had to tell him anyway.

Meanwhile, Jetstorm was back at the medical tent, receiving the next stage of repairs.

Slipstream entered the tent with the thought in his processor. "I need to tell him."

He walked over to him on the berth, and got his brother's attention.

"Jetstorm?" he asked.

"Yeah?" he responded.

Slipstream opened his mouth to speak as the conversation was rehursed in his processor, ending with his little brother in tears. He couldn't do it.

"Um... Nothing." That left Jetstorm confused which caused Slipstream to leave but was stopped by Fixit.

"Slipstream, I need to repair Jetstorm's chassi and certain systems which can be quite a scary thought so I was wondering if you could stay with him for the time being."

Once again, Slipstream heard the conversation in his head and couldn't stand it. So as much as he didn't want to, he had to refuse Fixit's request.

"No, I'm sorry, Fixit, but I'm going through some things and I need some space," he told the orange Mini-con.

He began walking away but Fixit had to respond. "Ah, I see, I guess Jetstorm isn't the only one affected by Solar's return."

"You could say that."

What Slipstream didn't know was that Frostback had been watching the whole conversation...
At the Command Centre, Slipstream was just staring at the sunset. Frostback approached him and her servos on his shoulder plates.

"Someone looks a little down in the dumps," she giggled.

Slipstream's faceplate remained emotionless as he replied. "I guess."

"What's wrong. You've been ignoring Jetstorm for hours. I mean, I had to watch over Jetstorm and he is very squeamish," she told him.

"Have you ever lost anyone important in your life?" he asked with his head down.

"Let me see, there was Optimus, the Primes, a few of my old friends, Terraform," she stuttered.

"Wait, Terraform?" he asked immidiently.

"Oh... it's just a... nothing," she replied.

"Anyway, why do ask?" Frostback asked the red Mini-con.

Slipstream's optics began filling with tears as he rose up, Frostback ran over to him and hugged him.

"It's my sire, he's..." Slipstream hugged her tighter.

He didn't need to finish, Frostback felt so sorry for him. She returned his embrace and began whispering something into his audio receptor.

"Sometimes, things happen that we can't control. However, we can control how we react to them, like... telling the truth," she smiled.

"You heard?!"

"Yeah..." she stepped back with a smile, "I heard everything. And don't worry, you'll know when the time is right."

"But he'll get upset. I heard him taking to Crossflare about how he hopes Astrobang is alive, how can I tell him he's not without him getting upset?"

"Slipstream, face reality, of course he's going to get upset, but he'll have you there because you're going to be the one to tell him."

Slipstream took a deep breath in, then turned to the slope that would lead him back to the ground.

"I'll tell him when the time is right."

Frostback jumped for joy. "Yay! Ow." She held her arm.

Slipstream turned around and reached out to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just need a few more repairs on my arm then I'll be fine. Don't worry," she smiled.


It was Gadget...

They leaned over and looked down at Gadget, who was worried.

"What is it?" Frostback asked.

"It's those jets! They're coming! Now!"

They both gasped.

Unexpectantly, the seekers landed on the other side of the scrapyard's defences.

"Knock, knock. Is anyone in there?" Jawscope asked.

Gadget gasped. "Oh no..."

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