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"Sisters, to me!" Sunburst yelled.

Immidiently, the other Mini-cons ran over to her in stance, but struggled.

"This is bad..." Overflow whimpered. "I haven't been fully repaired yet."

Sunburst gasped, then began to feel dizzy and collasped into Nightshade's arms.

She also gasped. "Sister!"

"Great, my processor must've been damaged. I can't see straight or think straight," she explained. "I was just about to jump into a battle we can't win."

Nightshade helped her straighten up. "Who else is damaged?"

Frostback, Overflow and Jetstorm raised their arms.

"My arm," the Ice Mini-con replied.

"My leg," the Water Mini-con added.

"Chassi damage," Jetstorm also added.

Suddenly, the seekers jumped over the gate, glaring the Mini-cons who just stared back in stance. Speedscrap knelt down and poked Overflow's helm.

"Well, lookie here, Jawscope. Looks like we've stumbled across the team we already beat," he smirked.

Jawscope grinned at the sight of their injuries, "Yes, and I see that they sustained a few injuries from our last battle." He pointed towards the Mini-cons. "Speedscrap, circle and close in!" he ordered.

The green seeker did what he was told and began running around the Mini-cons while Jawscope transformed before hovering above the fight.

The team backed up against each other with their weapons at hand. Gadget used her goggles to get a clear image of Speedscrap.

"I've got him, but he's moving too fast for us to escape!" the electric Mini-con exclaimed.

"One of us may be fast enough to escape," Sunburst stated.

They all looked to Frostback, she was the fastest when she used her ultimate power. It would allow her to run passed Speedscrap so that they had more options.

"I'll try," she replied.

Frostback placed her sceptre on her back then held out her servos. They glowed white as skates appeared on her pedes. Carefully, she waited for Gadget's command.

"Not yet..."

"Not yet..."

Frostback prepared herself.


Although she went on Gadget's command, she didn't stuck to the plan. Instead, she skated alongside Speedscrap as a trail of ice followed her. After a full rotation, Speedscrap began to slip but balanced himself out by pushing Frostback out of the ring then continued to run.

"Frostback! Are you all right?" Slipstream asked.

The ice-Mini-con stood up but as she did her skated dissapeared. That meant that her powers were forcefully stopped and she couldn't reactivate her powers for a few hours.

"Yeah, but my powers have been cut off. I thought I could make his slip on the ice but it turns out he's just as good on the slippery surface," Frostback replied.

"Now what?" Jetstorm asked.

The team looked up to Jawscope, his smirk had not yet dissapeared.

"Speedscrap, she's weak! Circle and close in on the Icy one! If we captured an Elemental Mini-con, Starscream would promote us to Lieutenants!"

"One Cold Mini-con coming up!"

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