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The time for patrol had arrived and Sunburst, Frostback, Overflow and Jetstorm were already in the forest, keeping an optic out on the area. However they weren't just focusing on their surroundings, they were also focused on their new ally.

"See anything?" Sunburst asked the rest of the team. She was the only mini-con who focused on only on the patrol.

Frostback rolled her optics with a smirk. "Same answer as the last six times you asked. No."

Overflow and Jetstorm giggled secretly because they were afraid of getting on the mini-con's bad side but did find it funny.

The water mini-con backed up and allowed Jetstorm to go ahead so that she was walking beside her younger sister, Frostback.

"So how come you knew who Solar was?" she asked with a whisper.

"Because Slipstream already showed me a few pictures of her and told me how great she was." The ice mini-con looked ahead at Jetstorm, who didn't notice. "But not everybot agrees."

"Yeah, but I think he's okay. Flare must have had a talk with Jetstorm cause that's what it looked like when I went in," Overflow agreed.

Suddenly, they felt the wind pick up, the mini-cons backed up into a circle in order to cover each other with their weapons at servo.

"What was that?" Frostback asked with fear.

"It was just the wind, nothing to worry about," Jetstorm replied as he lowered his nun-chucks.

"Wait. What about that?!" Overflow yelled while pointing  between a group a trees. She was pointing at a blur heading towards them.

"Frost! Freeze whatever's coming!" Sunburst ordered.

"Uh, okay." The ice mini-con held out her servos and watched as they glowed white like snow then grabbed her sceptre, she aimed it at the figure and shot a beam of ice. However it dodged and ran into her, launching her into a tree which knocked her out.

"What now, sis?" Overflow asked her older sister as the blur continued to run circles around the mini-cons, excluding Frostback who laid outside the boundary.

"Flow, try to knock the Con out of line with a strong gush of water!" she quickly replied hoping it would be enough.

Bravely, she nodded and grabbed her sceptre as her servos began glowing blue like water, she used her powers to shoot water at the mysterious blur only for it to dodge once again. The mini-con was surprised by this causing her to loose her focus and tilt her sceptre so that it shot water at the base of a tree, it snapped as she stopped and fell towards her. Overflow didn't have enough time to move so instead she was hit by the tree and eliminated from the fight.

The blur began making his barrier smaller which alarmed the two remaining mini-cons. Sunburst and Jetstorm forced their backs against each others as they watched the blur run closer and closer.

"Any idea what that is?" Jetstorm questioned in stance.

"No, but I do know how we can defeat him," Sunburst replied. "Blind and strike on my command!"

Carefully, the oldest sister waited for the blur to pass her before running in it's path. Within a second, she held her servos infront of her helm and produced a bright ray of sunlight. Using it as a shield in hope that it would stop before it hit her.

But that wasn't the case, Jetstorm had his nun-chucks out ready, waiting for the blur to stop so that he could take it down. However it ignored Sunburst's blinding light and ran straight into her. It then redirected itself and moved towards Jetstorm, running into him the same way it did to her, knocking him out. The blur then ran off in the same direction it arrived.

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