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I awake to the loud slamming of a heavy door. Madison seems to have stormed out leaving Michael and I alone. I look over to find him sitting upon Madison's bed on his phone.

I hear the all too familiar noise of the game Flappy Bird. He must still be obsessed.

I stammer a little when I get out of bed. The movement causes him to look up. "Good Morning." his voice is deep and sleepy. "Hi" I make my way to the closet to find my outfit for today.

"Madison left." he blankly says. Well obviously. I can already tell they fight a lot. It's only 7 A.M and she has already ran out disturbing my sleep.

"Yea, I noticed." I'm already in a bitchy mood. It's also raining outside... fun. Luckily I only have Biology today, which doesn't start till 10 A.M.

"Are you just going to watch me or leave and go back to your dorm?" I spat more rudely than I wanted.

He expression went from observing, to flat, to cocky faster than a white shark taking a large bite out of its prey, and here comes the mess of blood.

"Me? Watching you? I'd never watch you even if you were the last television show." Oh good one. Not.

"Really? I'm pretty sure you were just staring me down like a lion stalking his prey." I make my way over to my bed with my clothes in hand.

"Are you calling me a stalker?" with that he stands up and makes his way over to me. I'm not going to let him try and fight with me. I'll win, like I always do.

"I don't think so, but if the shoe fits." We are face to face now - inches apart. I wonder if my breath smells, no Joe, that's not the problem here. The problem is this rouge teenage boy.

"If the shoe fits? Real clever." He stares me down. His olive green eyes stabbing right through me. At this moment I notice something I didn't before, his hair. It's a different color than it was yesterday. It's all black now.

He starts to lean in. Is he trying to kiss me? Ugh yes! "Get off of me. What are you doing?" I'm disgusted and quickly shove him, he didn't move but I did. I fell back upon my bed.

"I know you want to and it's going to happen someday, so why not today?" He walked closer to me. Pressing a knee onto my bed, I'm unable to move. I'm stunned.

How could someone so different from me be attracted to me? He is tough and discomposed while I am, I'm put together and a ballerina for Christ sake.

He moves his face closer to mine. What is happening? A million different situations on how this could play out race through my mind. If I kiss him, will I catch feelings for him? Will this ruin any chance I have at becoming the lead in this winters play?

All answers come to yes. I'm now starring at him with disgust. If this happens write now, he will be the reason I fail. He starts edging closer.

"Stop! Get off me!" That's how you do it Joe! You tell him! He doesn't move. "Now." I demand. His fire filled eyes turn as cold as a winters breath before quickly removing himself from above me.

He grabs his belongings and quickly exits the room, slamming the door behind him just like his sister.

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