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Knowing he will be out in a minute I wait in the parking lot. It's better to be a friend to the asshole than an enemy. I'm sure he will ruin my life if that was the case. Just as I figured Michael walks out the building door.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" He questioned from outside the drivers window.

"figured you would need a ride back to your sisters room." He stares at me with confusion spread across his face like peanut butter on bread. He is probably thinking I'm being nice so I can stab him later... maybe I am.

After a silent ride home Michael finally speaks, "Can I not sleep on the ground tonight?"

"why? I think it suits you well." I tease.

"Real funny. I'm being serious. I'll just share a bed with you." The words fall from his lips and I don't think it would be all that bad. Would it? What am I thinking! Of course it would!

"No no no. You can share a bed with Madison!" I nag and open the door to the building. "Fuck no! She hates me and that's weird!" He whined.

"Looks like you have a little situation." I say as we step into the elevator. "No I don't." he snaps, "is the door unlocked?"

"it should be. Why?" I ask.

"First one to the bed wins." he says.

"What do you mean wins?" I question. "I mean that if I get to the bed first then we share it and if you get to the bed first then I sleep on the ground."

Let's see an out of shape musician verses a ballerina that's been in training for a year... "Deal." I smile.

The elevator dings on the 8th floor and we take off running. I'm ahead. Wait, now he's ahead. I have to speed up, I'm not sharing a bed with him.

Good I'm in the lead, but just as we turn the corner Michael wipes out! I stop in my place and laugh at him just laying there. "See the floor really likes you!" I giggle and reach out a hand to help him up.

Within seconds he pulls me to the ground and sprints to the room. "Unfair!" I shout.

By the time I reach the room he is rudely sitting on my perfectly made bed. "What's up bed buddy!"

"You cheated." I whined before sitting down next to him. "But I won didn't I?" He smirks.

Wow I really hate him. "You really suck. Just to let you know."

"Actually, that will be you later." He winks and grabs my thigh but quickly removes his hand. His touch sends a fiery ice through my veins.

I'm quickly reminded of how much I hate him, "eww, shut up." I groan. I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

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