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i feel queasy  all the time now  and lemme tell y'all,,, it's not fun!! :) i have no idea why i feel this way, considering that im always hydrated. maybe it's just because im hungry...

i've gained the habit of not eating if i don't know what  to eat, which is a really bad habit to have. im sure it'll be fixed when school starts though, which is in 3 days.

i have a lot of mixed feelings about that hahaha.

cons: having to wake up early, awkward social interaction, possibly sucky teachers, having to see the faces of the people i despise

pros: my brain won't be fried anymore, i get to see my friends more ( !! ), some of the classes might be fun, i get to show off my cute new outfits

idk man, i'll have to actually go there ( yuck ) first to actually make my mind up on it

on a final note, bc im really just ranting here, i finished the assigned summer reading today, and it has me ALLLLL fucked up. the way it ended was just really.... raw? dunno, but i felt it in my core.

not saying i cried, but it did make me sad. not gonna get into details either bc like,,, a simple chapter of a spam book already has 218 words? wack

anyway, ciao!

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