oopsies 🙈🙈

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i haven't been on wattpad much and honestly i have no clue why. just haven't felt like it i guess.

is it the seasonal depression? the drama in my life? my missing motivation? my primal instinct to procrastinate?

hm, who will ever know.

anyway, im off of school for the rest of the week bc im going to kentucky 😎😎😎 for thanksgiving 😎😎😎

im excited for the food and to see my grandparents and cousin, but not much else.

im excited for the food and to see my grandparents and cousin, but not much else

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that's gonna be the whole gathering. that side of the family is just,, yeesh 😔 homophobic & racist to say the least

i think that if enough of you guys punch me in the face i'll be on wattpad as much as i used to. and maybe my energy will be back. but rn im just not vibin

look at these frogs tho

look at these frogs tho

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oh yea i ordered new glasses and imma look like a whole ass cutie once i get them

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oh yea i ordered new glasses and imma look like a whole ass cutie once i get them. here's what they look like:

 here's what they look like:

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