im just really fucking sad right now

51 15 22

yesterday my brother tried to out me right in front of my family. i gave him the reaction he wanted, so he's gonna think he's right about my sexuality.

today wasn't even that good. it really wasn't. but i was going to happy anyways bc i was going to see the joker, which has been on my mind for like two fucking weeks now.

and then boom! we're not going to go see it. and then my mom thinks im angry when in reality i just finished my nap after fucking crying.

love this whole fucking shit for me :))))

sometimes i wish i could just not experience days anymore, and only wake up for the good parts. y'know?

idk. i just don't want to be awake or have any responsibilities right now. but i am awake and i have literally so much to do.

living is a drag.

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