can i just get your opinions real quick 🥺🥺🥺

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i haven't written officially ever. like ever ever. so here's how im thinking of starting the run and go.

also, my way of writing drafts is really messy to look at but it's the best way if thinking for me. so please don't judge me or anything ajdjnandn

is this good? or at least okay? i had another intro that i liked a little bit more but i feel like giving a smooth transition to that would be better or something

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is this good? or at least okay? i had another intro that i liked a little bit more but i feel like giving a smooth transition to that would be better or something.

the thing that i was thinking of doing is showing a really obvious contrast between the way juniper's chapters are narrated and the way quinn's chapters are narrated. just to show the more yin and yang between the two of them. i think it's really cool that way, and im trying to like sneak that in there.

so for like a broad explanation of juniper, so i don't give a lot away. she's really unsure of everything she does and is overall a spaz. she's very energetic and is unusually fueled by chaos and stuff. she's trying to be a teenager while she still can.

if this is cringy please tell me 🥺🥺🥺 be honest but not too mean, im not great with criticism ya feel

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