Chapter 20 - The After Party

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The Graduation event went very well. I'm quite surprised that I didn't shed any tears. It was way better than I thought it would be, and it was actually a lot of fun. I learned that I really have to enjoy every moment. I got to spend a lot of fun with my friends and also my family. The whole family was there to support me and I'm forever grateful for them.

A good classmate of ours decided to throw us some kind of a farewell party at her house just to enjoy our last moments with each other. Me and my four best friends are invited and we decided to go there together.

We left with Michael's car. I sat behind the front passenger seat, leaning my elbow against the window.

Looking at the street lights, overthinking.

I closed my eyes, trying to suck in all the moments I have left with my best friends in this car. Trying to remember and admiring their voices as they talk and laugh softly. The feeling I can't ever explain. I won't trade them with anything.

I love them way too much.

I'm not ready to loose them.

I hope moments like this wont go so quickly.

"You alright there?" Nathan whispered beside me.

I softly sighed. Taking myself back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I forced a smile.

"We're here." Michael announced, slowing down the car.

After a long one hour drive, We can immediately notice one house with colourful lights, and we can hear music blasting from afar. The four of us are giving each other looks we all understood, imagining how the party will turns out.

"Hi guys! Welcome!" Joan, the hostess greeted us excitedly. She opened the door fully, letting us know that we are invited in.

"I'm so excited for us! Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the party! Let's make this a night to remember!" She squealed; entertaining us before letting us fond ourselves. 

Cringe, for my taste, if you'd ask me.

"Yo Nate!" A guy called out from the corner as soon as we entered, drew our attentions.

"Finally!" He pat him by the shoulder.

"I wonder why you never wanted to attend parties! You were missing out, man! But guessed you're saving the best for the last, yeh? Glad to see you, enjoy!" He half yelled through the blasting music, greeting the rest of us then walk away.

"He ain't wrong." I scoffed, referring to the fact that Nathan never wanted to join parties like this. Or ever.

"Oh c'mon, you know me Abbs. Why would I go if it's nothing important." He leaned closer to me, making sure that I can hear him over the loud music. Somehow sounded annoyed and defensive.

"The music is pretty wild!" Heidi commented among us.

"Yea, and pretty damn loud!" Nick add, cracking up.

We're all now basically half-yelling at each other over the loud music, probably because of the not-so-high ceiling.

"Wonder how the neighbors feels bout this!" Mike added dramatically after being greeted by some girls.

"This house is huge." Nathan softly commented, shrugging.

"And its well designed. It's nice." I replied as I let my eyes roam around the nice interior.

"Ah! Party people!" A fellow classmate exclaimed after greeting us.

It feels so nice knowing everyone supports you and what you do. The fact that almost everybody here is excited to see us is another level of happiness to me! I feel so lucky and just so grateful of my life, and I couldn't said it enough.

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