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"Don't tell me- she made you open up?" Richie asked with a laugh as Eddie opened the door to their room, a scowl on his face.

"Really not in the fucking mood, Richie," Eddie hissed, making Richie wince a little at his boyfriend's temper.

Richie gave a small nod before walking to the door and opening it.

"Where are you going?" Eddie asked, suddenly feeling bad for his outburst.

"I'm going to hang out with Mike. I love you, but you're being a bitch," Richie said with a swift glare, leaving the room before Eddie could protest.

He hated that Eddie didn't seem to understand he needed to open up in order to let go of their past. They were safe and holding on would only lead to spiraling down a darker, more dangerous path. Eddie clearly needed space, and Richie was more than happy to be away while Eddie was acting out like a hormonal teenage girl.

"Mikey! Open your fucking door!" Richie said, knocking on Mike's door. He knew Mike Hanlon hated when Richie called him that, but Richie didn't try to shake the habit. It was a reminder of his brother, and Richie wasn't like the others who tried to push their memories away.

Mike opened the door, eyebrows raised. "Hey, Rich. You good?" he asked, opening the door wider so Richie could walk in.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fantastic. Eddie's being a cunt, though," Richie said, flopping on Mike's bed and slamming the pillow on his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Mike asked, even though he was used to Eddie's tendencies to be a hormonal bitch.

"He got back from therapy and immediately got pissy because I made a joke. Well, he was already pissed, but naturally I made it worse."

Mike shook his head. "Eddie needs to open up to Jade."

"We know that, but he refuses to acknowledge that. He sometimes talks to me, but I can't do much. I love him and I want him to get better," Richie whined, feeling slightly comforted from Mike's reassuring shoulder pat.

"It'll get better. He'll probably show up here in a few minutes because he feels bad. Eddie's a stubborn kid, but you're the only one he seems to open up to and adjust himself to be kind to. He really loves you, Rich."

"I just want him to get better."

"Did you tell him to open up?" Mike asked, changing from his normal shirt to a sleep shirt.

"He's basically a fun sized version of fucking Satan, Mike. In the best, cutest way possible. If I told him to open up he'd either light me on fire or just straight up kill me."

Mike shrugged. "You're the only one he listens to."

A knock at the door brought their conversation to a close. Richie opened it to find Eddie on the other side, looking upset and ashamed.

"I'm sorry I got mad, Richie. Please come back to our room," he said quietly, looking at Richie with his big, pleading eyes.

Mike mouthed "good luck" to Richie as he reluctant took Eddie's hand and walked back to their room.

Both boys changed into their pajamas, Eddie's being one of Richie's T-shirt's that the government had given him when they showed up at the base and Richie's being a pair of black sweats and fuzzy socks.

They brushed their teeth in silence, Richie climbing into bed while Eddie washed his face. He had never picked up on all of Eddie's extra hygiene habits, despite some of Eddie's humorous complaints. Well, humorous complaints he had at the Hive and when they first arrived at the base.

Richie missed his boyfriend. He loved Eddie with everything he had, but he missed the old Eddie. The risk taking one that was sweet and bubbly. The one that had stood up for him and begged for an organization to let him stay. He knew Eddie was hurting, but he missed their room at the Hive where they cuddled every night, rolling between the sheets, kissing, talking, and laughing.

They still held each other at night, but it was mainly out of habit, not because either really wanted to. They shared a room because when they first arrived they had been told it was only temporary. All of the teenagers had realized they'd be stuck in the base for much longer after the first month passed.

Once they realized, it was too late to want to switch rooms, so Richie and Eddie went along with their normal actions, flirting and kissing, though there was very little emotion behind it. Eddie had put up a wall, and Richie was struggling to bring it down. He tried to give Eddie time, to be there for him, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Eddie didn't want him anymore.

It was an issue and feeling Richie couldn't ignore.

"Eds?" he asked in the darkness of the room, his voice echoing. He was holding Eddie, and Richie could tell that he was awake.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked, sounding slightly startled.

It had been a while since he and Richie had talked at night. Usually they spoke when Eddie wanted to rant after therapy, but never because they felt like talking for fun.

"Do you still love me?" Richie asked, his voice breaking. He could feel heat on his face and tears burning in his eyes. He couldn't hold someone who didn't love him, who didn't want him.

Eddie sat up in shock, turning on the lamp on the nightstand and gaping at Richie, his mouth dropped and eyes wide in shock. He saw Richie about to cry, his face flushed from holding tears back.

"What?! Of course I love you!" Eddie exclaimed, his heart beating quickly from fear and confusion. "Why the hell would you think I didn't?"

Richie sat up, wrapping their blanket over his shoulders, tears making their way down his cheeks. "You don't act like you do," he said quietly, knowing it sounded stupid.

Eddie held Richie's chin in one of his tiny hands, lifting his face so their eyes met. "What do you mean?"

"We never talk like we did when we were at the Hive. You were so happy and bubbly and amazing, and I loved that so much. Ever since the explosion, you've put up a wall. I'm trying so hard to take it down and help you, but you don't want me," Richie said, his voice cracking as he tried to pull away from Eddie so he didn't have to look at him.

"Richie..." Eddie whispered, realizing that his boyfriend was right. "I love you more than anyone else."

Richie sniffed loudly, trying to wipe his tears away, only for his hand to be stopped by Eddie, who began wiping them away for him.

"I didn't even realize... I mean, I did, but I..." Eddie shook his head, feeling his own tears burning. "I'm hurting and I've been taking it out on you."

They both started sobbing, hugging each other tightly. It was messy, but they needed to clear that up. Both of them were hurting, and they needed each other, but they had instead forced the other away.

They eventually laid back down, the light off, Richie holding Eddie tightly, like he'd disappear if he let go. "Eddie?" he asked.

"Yeah?" came Eddie's whisper, along with his hand cupping Richie's cheek.

"Promise me you'll try to open up to Jade? Please? I can't lose you because you put up a wall, Eds," he whispered, running his hand through Eddie's curls. His hair had gotten a lot longer over the past couple months.

Eddie made out Richie's eyes, shining with tears. He leaned in and kissed him on the lips, pulling away slowly. "I promise."

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