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They emerged above the ground and, to their surprise, there was a plane waiting for them. Henry stepped out of it, helping to carry Stan onboard. He noticed his father wasn't with the team, and he looked to Richie, who put his head down shamefully.

"Guess I get to join the club of assholes without parents, right Kaspbrack?" Henry asked, trying to make a joke of the heavy situation.

Eddie rolled his eyes, blindfolding Brenner and gagging him so he wouldn't say anything else. They launched the plane into the air, and Bev pressed the button to destroy as soon as they were out of range.

Eddie gazed out the window, seeing the remains of the base on fire. As much as he knew he should want to celebrate, Stan was still unresponsive and they had lost a friend.


"We could kill him," Henry said, nodding toward Brenner.

Richie and Bev had told the story of what happened while Eddie and Jim tended to Lina's wounds and tried to keep Stan breathing. He needed real medical attention.

"No. We're giving him to the government, and we get our freedom in exchange," Richie said, shutting down Henry's plan instantly.

Henry shrugged. "The General was telling me about a new drug they created. He wants to know if you guys want to try it."

"What is it?"

"It'll wipe all of your memories. You'd never have to remember the death, the bloodshed, none of it. You'd get a normal life," Henry said, but he could tell by Richie's reaction that he was against it.

"I'm not risking forgetting Eds. No way."

"I didn't think you'd go for it. I just wanted to let you know. Your brother took it. So did Byers and the other two with them. Lina probably will too, since she seemed to have a thing for the Hawkins girl."

"Wait, Mike-"

Henry put his hand on Richie's shoulder. "He knew that El wouldn't make it. We all figured. He also didn't want to remember the death and everything he'd experienced. Government officials are on their way to Hawkins to distribute it among the rest of the kids. They'll remember events, like the destruction and bombs, but they won't remember any of us."

Richie sat in silence. He felt better knowing that Mike wouldn't be mad at him, but it hurt that his brother would be willing to forget him, just like that. However, he took one look at Eddie who was stitching up Lina's leg and knew he'd be okay.

They landed an hour later and immediately got Stan to a government based hospital. Richie couldn't find it in him to tell Bill what had really happened, so he said he was caught in a crossfire. The truth would come out eventually, but Richie wanted to wait until Stan survived to figure it out.

They were currently seated in a room with the General, after having turned Brenner over.

"We'll clear your names, send the news worldwide," the General said, sitting across from all of the ex-Hive members including Georgie, as well as Lina and Henry.

The General had explained the memory loss drug, and as Henry had predicted, Lina opted in to use it and resigned from working for the French government.

Brenner was being taken to a federal prison and his funds would be spread worldwide to cover the losses from the monsters, which had all died when El did. As they were all about to leave, the General spoke up once again.

"I know I gave you all a hard time, but you're all great workers, and extremely trustworthy. I could really use more people like you in my unit," he said, looking around hopefully at the group.

As Stan wasn't in the room, everyone looked to Eddie for a response. None of them had known life without the Hive or some kind of organization to lead them. As much as they wanted to get away, they didn't know what they'd do.

Thankfully, Eddie knew exactly what was best for all of them.

"With all due respect, General Carlin, we've almost died too many times to count. As much as a military position would be beneficial to us, I don't want to live my life missing out on the world. We'd all like to be excused and go live normal lives. Maybe go to school, college, and then be part of the normal work force?" Eddie said it all easily, as if that was what he had wanted to say his whole life but never got the chance to.

To their surprise, the General smiled. "If that's what you want, I can't stop you. Good luck, then. We'll have a plane escort you back to the states, get the money from the Hive sent to accounts for all of you, then from there, your life is yours."

Everyone stood and shook hands, then went to the hospital wing to wait and see if Stan would wake up.

Bill hadn't spoken since he learned that Stan had been shot, and he was always close to tears. Georgie sat next to him, an arm around his shoulder to attempt some kind of emotional support.

A nurse walked out, and everyone held their breath, terrified of the news. She smiled calmly. "You'll have to be gentle, since he's still fragile, but he'll be okay. You can go see him."

Everyone leapt up instantly, rushing into the hospital room where Stan was laying. Everyone was afraid he'd forget them or not want to speak, but as soon as they entered, Stan broke into a wide smile.

"What's up, fuckers?" he asked as Bill hugged him gently, trying to keep him from pain.

"I was worried I'd have to take over as the sarcastic bitch of the group!" Richie said with a smirk as he hugged his friend after Bill backed away.

"Beep beep, Richie," Eddie said with an eye roll as he stood to the side. He didn't feel comfortable being around Stan knowing that he'd been the one to cause him the pain.

Stan surveyed Eddie's face and then glanced at Richie, who nodded and frowned.

"Can I talk to Eddie alone for a second, guys?" he asked, and everyone exchanged confused glances but nodded and left the room.

"What's up, Stan?" Eddie asked with a small smile, sitting in the chair next to his bed. He was really hoping Stan had forgotten what he did.

"It's not your fault, Eddie," Stan said, giving his friend a knowing look. "You were under his control."

"I didn't fight back, though."

"I'm not blaming you, so don't blame yourself."

Eddie did hate what he had done, but he knew Stan wouldn't blame him. That's who he was as a person. So, Eddie accepted it, giving Stan the run down on what they'd do at that point.

Once he had, Eddie invited everyone back into the room, and they all sat together, talking about their future plans. Georgie was excited to go to school, and the others were more than happy to let him. They were all eighteen so they could legally care for Georgie and live alone, without any consequences.

Stan wasn't cleared to leave the hospital, so Georgie and Bill stayed with him while the others stayed in a hotel across the street.

Richie and Eddie finally had a moment alone after all of the stress over the past few days, and they were so thankful. Both were laying in bed, Eddie's head over Richie's heart, listening to the gentle beats.

"We did it," Eddie said after an hour of lying in silence.

"Yeah, we did," Richie whispered, running his fingers through Eddie's hair. "You're free."

"We all are."

Richie grinned brightly, pulling Eddie in for a slow, lazy kiss. "Are you excited?"

"I'm scared, but as long as we're together, it'll be okay. Just like you said."

"Don't worry, it'll all work out. According to Carlin we're international heroes. I think we'll be just fine."

Eddie nodded, allowing Richie's calming words to comfort him. "Yeah, we will."

"It's you and me, baby. Forever, right?"

Eddie pressed another kiss to Richie's lips, setting their foreheads together and smiling with his eyes closed.


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