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(Smut in this bitchass chapter too, oof)

They were escorted, surprisingly, to a hotel in the middle of the city. All of the involved guards and allies were stationed for protection and staying in hotels in the same area. All of the losers were blown away by the hotel, since no one besides Richie and Eddie had ever been in one.

The room assignments weren't much different than usual, except Ben and Bev shared a room (and told the group they were dating) so Mike Hanlon told the group he'd take care of Georgie.

Steve had his own room since Lina said she'd share with Robin so it'd be less awkward. Although she worked for a different government, Lina was fully committed to the Hive assignment, becoming an extra member of the team. None of the ex-Hive members seemed to trust her fully, but the Hawkins group seemed to want to.

It had been a while since everyone was able to sleep in a comfortable bed and know what was happening the next day. They were going to wake up, go to an analysis center and find out where El, Brenner, and the rest of the Hive were working, then they'd plan out how to infiltrate.

Eddie told Richie they had to get to sleep early since they had a big day ahead of them, but Richie seemed too hyper. As in, he was jumping on the bed while Eddie sat on an extra chair in their room looking less than impressed.

"Richie get down," Eddie said with an eye roll, laying back on the chair. "We need to go to bed."

"It's like, nine o'clock," Richie yelled, jumping up even higher. "Besides, we didn't get to work out today!"

"We ran from a monster. That's not working out?" Eddie snapped back.

"You couldn't run, dumbass. That bitch got your leg."

"Shut up, Richie."

"Make me," Richie said with a wink, finally landing on the bed and sitting down.

Eddie rolled his eyes once again and stood up, walking over to the bed. "Nope, I'm going to sleep. I'm fucking exhausted."

"You're no fun."

"I'm not trying to be."

Richie groaned and laid on top of the covers while Eddie pulled them over himself and laid on his side. Richie knew he had to be tired, so he stood up and turned off the lights before climbing in bed next to Eddie. He didn't hesitate to wrap an arm around Eddie, pulling him close. They drifted off to sleep, with Richie occasionally pressing kisses to the back of Eddie's neck.


"Weak! You could never stop us!" Brenner screamed.

Eddie stood against a cold, concrete wall, surrounded by seven of their monsters. He knew there had to be more, more going after the other members of his team.

They all growled and snapped their jaws, their millions of teeth glinting in the overwhelmingly bright light of the room.


Richie's voice echoed through the room and Eddie turned toward the sound, seeing his boyfriend clutching a weapon. It looking like a gun, but the barrel was extremely thin.

Dr. Brenner smiled at Richie before whistling loudly and watching as the monsters turned away from Eddie, their new target being Richie. They leapt toward him, and Eddie nearly screamed, but Richie used his weapon to hit all seven of the animals running at him.

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