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"I fucking missed fresh air," Richie whispered.

It hadn't taken them long to climb through the vents and find an exit. The cool, outside air had blown into the vents and they were able to follow the smell and feel of the fresh and beautiful outside world.

As soon as they got to the top, they saw lights around ten miles from them. Richie and Eddie knew it had to be some kind of town. They needed to get there and blend in with the crowd.

"We need to disguise ourselves," Eddie said, pulling out his inhaler and using it so he could keep jogging along side Richie. He wasn't physically tired, but his lungs seemed to be begging him to stop.

"You're right. Can it wait until tomorrow, though? We need to find somewhere to rest," Richie said, smiling when he realized they were almost to the town.

"Yeah," Eddie agreed, too tired to want to keep going. "You need new glasses, though."

"It can wait."

They broke into the town, and realized it was more like a city. Lights and cars everywhere, tall buildings and people walking around, smiling and laughing.

"Little do they know there's a hidden base miles away," Eddie grumbled, slowing his pace to a walk so he could blend in. "Come on, let's find a hotel or something. I need a fucking shower."

Richie nodded, grabbing Eddie's hand. When Eddie looked at him with questioning, wondering why Richie was being touchy when they were supposedly running from the fucking government, Richie shrugged. "I'm acting natural."

Eddie smiled. "Yeah, I guess that seems more natural," he said. "We need to take cover soon. It wouldn't surprise me if they released our picture or something."

Richie nodded and pulled Eddie toward a hotel-like building. They walked inside and an older lady sat behind the desk, flashing them a toothy smile.

"Good evening, can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Eddie said, pulling away from Richie and walking up to her. "Our bus took a wrong turn and we're not really sure where we are."

The lady reached behind her desk and handed Eddie a map. "Where're you trying to get, dear?"

"Uh... New York," he said without thinking.

The lady gave them a weird look. "You two really got lost. You're in Oregon."

Richie held back a laugh seeing how red Eddie's face got. Eddie turned around to glare at him before facing the lady and smiling.

"Can we get a room?" he asked sweetly.

"Of course, dear," She handed Eddie a set of keys and he handed her the stated price. "Free breakfast in the morning, and the walls are really thick so you don't have to worry about making too much noise," she said with wink.

Richie laughed again as Eddie blushed crimson, thanking her in an embarrassed voice before walking to their room.

Once inside, Eddie dropped his stuff on the floor and walked into the bathroom. Richie followed him, holding his tooth brush. Eddie undressed quickly and hopped in the shower with Richie brushing his teeth.

Eddie leapt out a few seconds later, screaming, without ever turning the water on. He wrapped a towel around his waist and ran out of the bathroom.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Richie asked, one eyebrow raised, concerned for his boyfriend but confused at the same time.

"There's... a giant... beetle," Eddie gasped out, grabbing his inhaler and taking a deep puff of it.

Richie started laughing. "You're scared of beetles, Eds?"

"Shut up," Eddie growled, glaring at Richie. "When I was seven I woke up for training and there was giant fucking beetle on my hand, so yeah, I'm not a big fan."

"Oh, my poor Eddie Spaghetti," Richie cried, walking over to him and picking him up bridal style. "The one who can stand in front of a gun and be okay with it but is scared of a two inch bug that doesn't have teeth."

Eddie glared at him, his jaw clenched. "Can you please go kill it so I can take a fucking shower?"  he pleaded angrily, trying to shake out of Richie's grasp.

Richie snickered and put Eddie down, bowing deeply. "Anything for you, Eds."

Richie walked into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain. His eyes bugged out of his head and he sprinted back into the main room, hiding behind Eddie.

"What the fuck, Richie?" Eddie asked.

"That thing is fucking huge!" Richie yelped.

"Just smash it with a shoe!"

"Why can't you?!"



Eddie groaned and laid back on the bed. "Please?" he asked in a whiny voice, making Richie really want to smack him for being so cute.

Richie sighed. "Fine," he snarled, walking into the bathroom and taking off his shoe.

He winced and lifted the shoe to smash the bug. When he brought down his weapon, the bug didn't make any sound except for a disgusting, dry crunch sound.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Richie whispered, before smiling to himself. He picked up the bug, which was already dead when they showed up in the room and hid it behind his back.

"Eds? Can you come in here?" he called, trying to look scared.

Eddie walked in, still in just his towel. "Yeah?" he asked nervously.

"I came in here to kill the bug and it wasn't here."

"WHAT?!" Eddie screamed, backing outside the bathroom and tripping, landing on his back.

Richie felt a little bad but he followed, still holding the dead bug. He went behind Eddie and helped him sit up, hugging him around his middle.

"I'm sure it'll show up," he whispered, kissing the side of Eddie's face before dropping the dead beetle on his waist and getting up to move out of Eddie's way.

Eddie let out an ear splitting shriek, throwing off his towel and running to the bed, diving under the covers. He re-emerged seconds later when he heard Richie's obnoxiously loud laughing.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Eddie yelled, eyes wide with betrayal and fear.

"It was already dead, Eds," Richie said, choking on his laughter. "You should've seen the look on your face!"

Eddie glared at Richie, looking over to see the dead beetle laying on the ground. "You're such an asshole," he snapped.

"No, I'm a comedian," Richie said with a wink, jumping on the bed and laying next to Eddie.

"I'm never going to forgive you for that," Eddie snarled, getting out of the bed and picking up his towel, stomping toward the bathroom.

"What if I said you had a cute ass?" Richie called, realizing he may have gone too far with throwing a dead beetle on his boyfriend.

"Beep fucking beep, you dumb bitch!" Eddie yelled, slamming the bathroom door behind him.


This chapter was kind of a filler 🤷‍♀️

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