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Looking back on it, Richie would've definitely kept his mouth shut. Apparently the translators in the room translated all of Richie's overly aggressive English phrases without his knowledge, landing both him and Eddie in a separate room.

Eddie hadn't  spoken to him in nearly an hour while they were stuck away from their group, still livid that he was going to be out of the loop. It was supposed to be Eddie, Butch, Richie, Stan, and Lina delivering the flash drive and telling the Prime Minister about what had happened on the streets of their city. However, the Minister started accusing Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Butch of the same things Lina had, but much angrier and in French, so they couldn't come back easily.

Once Lina translated it, Richie lost his shit and began with his colorful insults, earning a direct threat from the Minister's protectors and an elbow to the gut from Eddie. The two were then escorted to an isolated room with guards on the outside while Eddie sat inside ignoring Richie with a scowl on his face.

"Babe, come on," Richie said with an eye roll. "They were being assholes."

Eddie seemed intent on keeping his mouth shut, his jaw still clenched while he glared at Richie.

"If you talk to me I'll give you a blowjob right now," Richie said with a wink, earning another deadly look from Eddie, who crossed his arms tighter.

"Jesus, Eds! I'm sorry, okay? What more do you want from me?" Richie said after another ten minutes of silence, running his hands through his hair in annoyance.

"I want you to stop making a fucking joke of everything! Is that so hard, Richie?!" Eddie suddenly burst out, standing up. His voice echoed loudly through the room.

"I'm not making a joke of everything!" Richie snapped back, his rage forcing him to stand up, ready to fight Eddie.

"You called the Prime Minister a, and I fucking quote, 'greedy whore who demands taxes in exchange for half ass services!' Then you laughed afterwards!" Eddie hissed, shoving Richie roughly.

Richie had gotten a lot stronger since Eddie couldn't do all of the lifting, so he was easily able to handle Eddie's shove, catching his shoulders and holding him still.

"So I got a little mad! It's not like you always keep your temper under control!"

"At least I flip out in our room and not in front of a fucking foreign government!" Eddie ripped his arms out of Richie's grasp and glared at him. "You're so fucking stupid sometimes."

Richie was taken aback. In all his time he had been with Eddie for the past four months, in all their arguments and bickering, Eddie had never called him stupid. It was like an uncrossable line.

"You think I'm stupid?" Richie asked in a quieter tone, his voice cracking a little bit.

Eddie looked over at him, seeing how upset Richie was. His expression softened almost instantly. "Fuck, Rich, I didn't-"

"Bet you think I'm a disappointment too, huh Eds? That you wished I died instead of your dad? Makes sense," Richie snarled, his fear and sadness turning back into anger.

"Shut up, Richie! That's not true!"

"I bet you fucking wish I died in that explosion, don't you?! That way you could have the good memories and wouldn't have to drag my stupid ass around everywhere!"

"Shut up! I didn't say that!" Eddie screamed, the words slicing through him like a poisoned knife. It hurt so bad, Richie's anger and his deadly words.

"You know Eds, I wish I had died too! Maybe that way you'd be able to finally be happy!"

Richie wasn't expecting Eddie to attack him, shoving him roughly to the group and sitting on his stomach. He slammed his hand over Richie's mouth, and Richie could see that Eddie was crying hard. Tears streamed down his face, but he also looked livid.

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