Letter Eighteen

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Dear Lena,

Noah graduated from daycare last week and now he is starting kindergarten.

The graduation ceremony was amazing. They sang loads of songs and did loads of dances. I recorded the performance on my phone to show you. Noah wasn't scared at all. He did so well. He sang the loudest and did the biggest dance moves. I am so proud of him.

Now, Noah starts daycare in a week's time. I have taken the week off of work so that I can spend time with Noah. Noah and I have to go to the mall to get Noah his kindergarten uniform which will consist of a pair of grey shorts and a red t-shirt with a red blazer or a red jumper. I think the red blazer will look better on Noah. What do you think?

I wish you were here for all these little milestones that Noah is having. He is growing up so fast and you are missing it all. You are probably watching him from up there but he doesn't know anything about you. That makes me sad.

Noah and I are now heading out to the mall now.

I miss you.

Your love,

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