Chapter 1: Partnered Up

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A/N: This is my first time to write a fanfic, so I'm sorry if it's bad.

Denki's Pov

I woke up early cause there was school, I did my routine and headed to class.

Along the way, I saw Kyoka Jirou, basically my crush, but we are complete opposites.

I went to her and said. "Hey Jirou!" "Hi Kaminari, what's up?" She replied.

"Let's walk to class together." I said. "Sure." She said.

We had arrived in the classroom, Kirishima greeted us while Bakugou does one of his death stares.

"You guys are early today." Kirishima said. "We didn't want to be late." Jirou said as we walked over to our chairs.

We both sat down and talked to Kirishima and Sero, they are fun to talk with.

Suddenly, Jirou went to talk to Yaoyorozu. I stared at them.

"She obviously likes her." I thought. Then, I heard Iida warning us that school is about to start, so we all prepared.

After a few minutes, Mr. Aizawa walked inside the classroom.

"Good morning class, today you are going to improve your quirks. You guys have your partners already, look outside the classroom." He said.

We all walked outside to check our partners.

Partners 1: Todoroki and Bakugou
Partners 2: Kirishima and Shoji
Partners 3: Koda and Sato
Partners 4: Yaoyorozu and Iida
Partners 5: Hagakure and Ojiro
Partners 6: Midoriya and Sero
Partners 7: Uraraka and Asui
Partners 6: Kaminari and Jirou
Partners 7: Ashido and Tokoyami
Partners 8: Aoyama and Mineta

I was surprised that I was paired up with Jirou. I mean, she is my crush after all.

I also don't know how to tell her about it, I hate rejection to be honest.

Anyways, we changed into our hero costumes after a few minutes.

When I went out, I saw Jirou standing outside the room.

"You're so slow Kaminari." She said. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said, but she didn't reply.

We went to the battle grounds to improve our quirks.

So, I tried to improve mine by using my quirk again and again without jamming my brain of course.

While on the other hand, she tried different attacks to make them stronger.

After a few minutes later, I spoke to her. "Hey, Jirou. Can I tell you somehing?" "Yeah, sure!" She said. "Well-" I was cut off by Mr. Aizawa. "It's time, return to your classroom immediately." We both nodded.

I didn't get to tell her that I like her, I'll just do it sometime.


I took Kirishima with me on lunch, and asked for advice.

"You and Bakugou are together, right Kirishima?" I asked. "Totally!" He said.

"Look, I like Jirou, but I don't know how to tell her." I said.

"Dude, just tell her you like her." Kirishima said.

"Umm, ok I guess. I hope I don't get rejected." I replied.

"I hope." He said, he also said goodbye to me when he finished his food and saw Bakugou.

I looked worried. "I don't wanna ruin our friendship, and what if she doesn't like me." I thought to myself.

I kept thinking until I heard someone. "Kaminari, you okay?"

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