Chapter 22: Brand New Day

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A/N: This is a chapter before the end, so yeah the next chapter is the last. I'll continue the "Letters" fanfic after so please read that too.

Denki's Pov

I woke up to the sound of Eijiro's door. He slammed it close, I wonder if Takeru also heard that, he's a heavy sleeper.

"Why does Kiri have to slam his door?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I stood up and went outside my room. I saw Takeru outside, so he also heard it.

"Who the hell slammed the door?" Takeru asked sleepily.

"I think it was Eijiro, come on Takeru, let's eat." I gained energy because I remember that we don't have much to do today in school, I went down to the kitchen and saw Shoto cooking.

"Good morning, Shoto." Someone greeted with me, it's Asashi. That little Dragon Ball.

"Thanks for the advice last night, Denki-kun." He walked away and went to the kitchen too.

I turned around to the sound of the elevator and saw some of our classmates with Kyoka.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said.

"Eww, stop flirting bro." Hanta walked pass us.

"That's just because you're single." I said.

"Yeah whatever." Hanta continued to walk to the dining table with the others.

"Let's go?" I asked. Kyoka nodded and we walked to the dining table with her.

"WHO THE FCK SLAMS HIS DOOR EARLY IN THE MORNING?!" Katsuki comes out of the elevator, angry.

"Why are you angry early in the morning?" Asashi asks.

"SHUT UP DRAGON BALL, I'LL KILL YOU!" Katsuki said, preparing his explosion.

"Ok sorry, damn." Asashi mumbled.

"It was Eijiro." Takeru says. The red haired boy glared at him.

"Nevermind." Katsuki sits with us in the dining table, he usually doesn't eat with us.

"You still like him, don't you?" Mina asked.

"No, just shut up, racoon eyes." Katsuki crosses his arms and waited for food.

"Why did you even slam the door?" Hanta asked. Yeah, why?

"I wasn't fully awake, so I thought I didn't slam it. I think I closed it just right." Well no you didn't, you woke almost everyone up in our floor, and yeah I think that's good.

We ate our breakfast as fast as possible when the food was served to us in the table.

All of us parted ways and prepared for school. It will be a long day but we will have a lot of free time today.


"Good morning class, I'll be switching classes with Aizawa for a while. He also gifted me a sleeping bag to use, I'll start using it. Don't make Aizawa stressed, goodbye." Matt-sensei left our classroom as Aizawa entered.

"Aizawa-sensei!" All of us who were in Class 1-A said except for Katsuki and Fumikage.

"You all still look the same." To be honest, Aizawa-sensei's right. All of us who were in Class 1-A last year didn't change in appearance.

"And I hope no one will cause trouble in this class or else..." He looked at Izuku and Katsuki, they still fight sometimes "I'll tell Nezu and expel you all." Damn, that's harsh.

Class with Aizawa-sensei is fun, it takes me back to last year. I'll miss these people in UA when we become pro heroes. In which I hope everyone in my class becomes a very good one.

/// (Free time) ///

Our class sure is chaotic when it's our free time, some like Katsuki and Fumikage would just sleep.

I was about to talk to Kyoka when I saw her approaching Asashi's seat and whispered something to him. Dragon Ball only answered with a thumbs up.

My blood boiled from what I saw, I really hate that boy. He is quite unpredictable sometimes. I hope the one he likes ain't Kyoka, or else I'll ask Katsuki to send him off to space.

I got curious, so I decided to ask Asashi about it. Well it's our free time so we could go anywhere we want now. I called for him, he was with Takeru.

"Yes Denki-kun?" Asashi asked.

"I need to talk to you Dragon Ball." I said, I don't know why I act like Katsuki when it comes to Asashi.

"Uh, why?" Damn it, Kuroiryu. No more questions!

"Just come with me, you idiot." I said as he followed me, Asashi whispered something to Takeru when we walked away. I wonder what it was.

We went near the staircase, not that far from the cafeteria. "What did you and Kyoka talk about?"

"Huh? Wait....oh that," Asashi paused, "It was nothing." He smirked. What is with the smirk?!?!

"Tell me." I said with a serious face, making him scared.

"I-it really w-was nothing." He laughed nervously, it's good that he didn't want to die. But hey, I don't say 'SHINE!!' like Katsuki does.

I only decided to let it slip by since I think it wasn't that important. I let him go as I tried to think about what happened earlier, what did they talk about?


It was the end of the day, we decided to hang out in the common area for a while. And yes, new couples will be revealed.

"Guys! Shoto and Momo are dating-" Eijiro tripped in the carpet, I didn't know that he was clumsy.

"I was gonna say it, but Eijiro said it first." Shoto said quietly.

"Congrats!" We all greeted. Except for Katsuki and Fumikage, they're not the types to do that.

"And Asashi, didn't you confess to someone?" Mina asked.

"Oh, yeah I did." Asashi said. Who is it? I really was curious.

"Thanks for the advice last night, Denki-kun." So he did it. But why the hell is he faster than me?!

"That would be me." Someone put his arm around Asashi's shoulder. My eyes widened but I was relieved. It was Takeru.

(A/N: Dragon Ball is gay, yes)

We all greeted a 'congrats' to them. Except for those two. I was happy since Asashi won't be stealing Kyoka away from me again.

Speaking of Kyoka, she tapped my shoulder, "Are you okay? Why are you smiling like that?" I noticed that I was smiling wide.

"I'm just happy." I said and kissed her cheek.

"Stop flirting, lovebirds." Katsuki said quietly. He's usually not like this.

And soon, the day ended. We all went to our rooms to refresh our minds. I was still happy about earlier. No one would be in between us and Kyoka.

I wonder what tomorrow would bring?


Hint for the end: Suspense

Yes, suspense.

And maybe angst? Idk

Be ready, hoomans.

(This is unedited, sorry for any mistakes)

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