Chapter 1

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Ashers POV:
As I was sleeping I heard faint beeping. I pulled my arms out from my covers and attempted pressing the button on my alarm clock but ended up pushing it off of my nightstand. I jumped up from the loud bang on the floor. My mom walked into the room and she seemed to be surprised
Coco: oh sweetie you're up? That's a first! Breakfast is on the table
I nodded my head as my mom exited the room. She closed the door and I pulled my covers off of me. I was only in my boxers so I decided to get dressed before heading out there. I grabbed a grey shirt and black jeans from my dresser and quickly threw them on. After getting dressed I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I finished I lifted my head up from looking down at the sink. I made eye contact with myself in the mirror and started fixing my hair. I didn't do much to it, but I was trying to make it look better than before. As I was trying to fix my hair up my brother, Avi, walked into the bathroom.
Avi: mom said to come down to eat before your food gets cold
Asher: tell her I said I'm on my way
Avi: ok, but between you and me...take your time
I turned to Avi with a confused look on my face
Asher: what do you mean?
Avi: I don't know...I just don't wanna go into class today
Asher: me too but it's not our choice. Believe me Avi, if it were my choice we wouldn't be here. Now get out of the bathroom you little rat.
I chuckles slightly and so did Avi. He exited the bathroom and I continued to fix my hair. Once I finished my hair I exited the bathroom and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I sat down with my siblings who weren't really touching their pancakes. They were poking at their food with their forks. I figured that as the eldest sibling I had to do something to cheer them up. I started poking at my food with my fork with my fork hitting my plate making loud noises. London, my sister, and Avi both looked at me.
London: rude! Stop mimicking us
Asher: wow someone has an attitude this morning
London: sorry...I didn't mean-
Asher: it's fine. Don't worry about today. You two will be fine. You're both pretty likable, I guess.
Avi: hey!
London: and I'm the one with the attitude?!
I chuckled along with Avi and London who were trying not to burst into laughter.
Asher: you know I'm only joking
London: yeah
Avi: you always do. Everything a joke to you
Asher: your not wrong
We all start to actually eat our pancakes and about 5 minutes later our mom comes into the kitchen
Coco: cmon kids it's time to go!
All three of us sat up and grabbed our backpacks. London and Avi pushe past my mom and ran into the car. As I was walking over I could hear my mom mumbling something to herself , but I'm not too sure what exactly. My mom and I exited the house and she was about to get into the car until my voice stopped her
Asher: hey mom?
Coco: yes Asher?
Asher: can I walk to school?
Coco: are you sure you wanna do that? This is a new area and I don't want you getting lost
Asher: I'll be fine, and if anything I always have my phone
My mom let out a sigh and continued to speak
Coco: fine, but no funny business!
Asher: thanks mom
Coco: sure sweetie, don't be late!
Asher: I won't
She kissed my cheek and I run down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. I start walking towards the direction of the school and get there within about 10 minutes. The high school isn't terribly far from our house, which is always good. I looked at the huge school and took a deep breath. I entered the school and immediately felt an awkward vibe. All the kids in my class have known each other for a year and a half and I just waltz into the school like nothing. I started to look for the principals office and eventually found it. Not gonna lie, as I was looking for the office I soon realized what tourists felt like. I felt like an American visiting Europe for the first time. I walked into the office and Mrs.Mathers, the principal, greeted me
Mrs.Mathers: hello Mister Angel
Asher: hi-hello Mrs.Mathers
Mrs.Mathers: I'm so glad to see you here today
Angel: I'm glad to be here today
I really wasn't, but my mom always told me small talk is key.
Mrs.Mathers: well would you like to meet your guide for the morning?
Asher: sure
Mrs.Mathers: alrighty then
She went to an old microphone looking thing and he pressed the buttons at the base of it allowing her voice to echo throughout the school
Mrs.Mathers: Miss Jayden Bartels, please report to the main office thank you
She removed her hand from the base of the microphone and she looked back up at me.
Mrs.Mathers: she should be here shortly
I nodded my head and turned to the office door. This girl could be one of three types: one of the mean popular girls, the kid no one talks to because they think they're weird, or just a normal kid attending the school. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out

Hey! Sorry this is really bad. I'm not exactly a writer but I thought I'd come out of my comfort zone a bit. I've written stories in the past but I never made them public. I hope this is good. If it's not then I'm sorry. Also sorry for the bad grammar. I'm not the best when it comes to that. Anyways hope you have a blessed rest of your day💗💗

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