Chapter 21

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Annie's POV:
I don't even think there is a need for girl talk, but it's a way to keep me occupied I guess
Lauren: so we should talk about-
Jayden: why Annie was crying
Kenzie: where Annie and her relationship with the new kid stand
Lauren: well I was gonna say our favorite candies or maybe out favorite movie at the moment or-
Kenzie: stop acting like a five year old Laur
Lauren: well sorry, but that's just my personality
Jayden: girls were getting off topi-
Annie: well my favorite candy right now is Toblerone
Lauren: oh I've ever tried those
Annie: what about you?
Lauren: well mine is-
Jayden: can you two please stop changing the subject!
Lauren and I both spoke in unison
Lauren+Annie: sorry...
Kenzie: now Annie where does your relationship stand with Asher?
Jayden: and why were you crying?
Kenzie+Jayden: DID HE HURT YOU!?!
Annie: no, no he didn't
Lauren: Kenz, Jay, maybe you two should just lay off of Annie
Kenzie: Lauren cmon, if she doesn't tell us about the relationship then fine, but she should tell us about why she was crying
Jayden: agreed
Lauren: well Annie doesn't have to tell us
This is why I love Lauren. She could be an interrogator at some times, but when she noticedthat one of us really doesn't feel like giving in she will stand up for us. Not saying I don't love Jayden and Kenzie, I love them all equally, but they're just being obnoxious right not.
Jayden: well how do we know if Annie doesn't wanna tell us?
Lauren: I mean look at her. She's fiddling with her fingers and isn't making any eye contact once or ever. Us as good friends shouldn't force her into doing something she doesn't wanna do, instead we should all just have a normal conversation
Jayden: wow
Kenzie: nice speech Laur
Lauren: thanks I love been practicing
Jayden: we're sorry Annie
Kenzie: yeah, we really are
Annie: it's fine, I don't blame y'all, I'd probably do the same
Lauren: well now that Kenzie and Jayden have finally come to their senses lest get back into the candy topic
We all laughed and didn't continue to talk about candy. Lauren honestly just saved me. If she didn't knock some sense into Kenz and Jay, I would of had to tell them everything. I really owe her one.
*time jump to two hours later bc why not*
The girls and I had finished our "girl talk" the sun was just starting to set.
Jayden: alright girls I should probably start heading home
Kenzie: same
Lauren: yeah me too
Annie: alright, I'll walk you girls out
We walked down the stairs and I opened the door for them. We all walked onto my porch and I closed the door behind us. I said goodbye to the girls and pulled all three of them into a hug. Once we all released we said our final goodbyes because every time we're leaving each other we have to say goodbye more than once. The girls start walking off , but Lauren turned around and walked back towards me
Annie: Laur, did you leave something?
Lauren: no, I just want to let you know that you don't have to give into Kenz and Jay's little games. I'll stand up for you if you ever feel uncomfortable
Annie: awww thanks Laur
Lauren: of course and if you ever need someone to talk or rant to, I'm always here. I would say Jay and Kenz are there for you, but they aren't really the sentimental type
Annie: they really aren't, they're more of the protective  type
Lauren: yeah, but we all have our rolls I guess
Annie: yeah your right
Lauren: well I better get going, text me if you need anything, ok?
Annie: alright, bye Laur
Lauren: bye Anns
Lauren ran off to catch up with the girls and I made my way to the porch swing. I sat down and immediately looked down at my feet. I started kicking my feet against the wood floor, making me swing back and forth. I didn't feel like going back into the house because I needed to think, about today, about yesterday, about the past few weeks, about the past few months, about the past few years, about everything. I just don't understand what's wrong with me. I always end up getting hurt. These past six years have been awful. I've had to live in a world without my one and only brother. We'd do everything together. My mom still thinks that we would be as close as we were before. Without a doubt life would be so much different if Caleb were here. He would have accomplished so much more than he already did. He would be making everyone around him smile like he used to. Boy, do I miss his smile. I remember how Caleb would always joke around with Hayley and I. He made us smile even in the worst times. I wish he was still here, making me laugh, smile, and so much more. Tears started falling onto my cheek the more I thought about Caleb. I brought my legs onto the swing and pulled my knees up to my chest. I buried my head into my knees and let the tears flow out of me. As I was crying I heard a voice call out my name. I lifted up my head as my eyes met with Asher's.
Asher: Annie?
Annie: o-oh...hey
Asher: why are you crying?
Annie: n-no reason
I spoke while wiping away my tears. Asher walked up onto the porch and sat next to me on the porch swing.
Asher: Annie, I know somethings up
Annie: alright f-fine. I was s-sitting here and I was thinking a-about e-everything
Asher: so by you mean your brother too?
I nodded my head and tears continued to fall. Asher wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and tears continued to fall. I tried stopping them, but it was no use, if anything trying to hold my tears back made it worse.
Asher: it's ok-I mean, it's not ok, but I'm here for you
Annie: thank you, Asher. I appreciate it
Asher: of course
Asher and I sat there for a while until we heard the front door open behind us. Asher jumped up, making the swing rock and I quickly took my head off of his shoulder and my knees off of the porch swing. We both aimed our attentions towards the person at the front door and it was Hayley
Hayley: um Annie, would you care to explain?
Annie: uh Hayley maybe you should go back inside
Hayley: but I'm booooooooorrrrrred
Hayley dragged out the final word in her sentence
Annie: so call one of your friends
Hayley: I did, then I got bored
Annie: so what do you want me to do about it?
Hayley: I want you to spill the tea
Annie: I'm sorry?
Hayley: spill the tea! It's boiling right now sis!
Annie: yeah, no. Go back inside an-
Hayley cut me off my walking over to Asher and extending her hand towards him.
Hayley: Hi! I'm Hayley!
Asher chuckled slightly at how energetic she was being towards him.
Asher: I'm Asher
Hayley: it's nice to meet you Asher!
Asher: and it's nice to meet you to Hayley.
Hayley looked over at me with a smirk on her face. She started wiggling her eyebrows and once she stopped she mouthed "he's cute."
I gave Hayley the death stare and she started backing away.
Hayley: I've gotta go now, BYE!
Hayley ran back into the house and slammed the door. I rolled my eyes and Asher started laughing.
Asher: now that's the best sibling relationship if I've ever seen one
Annie: it really isn't
Asher: I know it isn't, but she's funny
Annie: what does that have to do with our relationship?
Asher: it doesn't, I'm just stating a fact
Annie: I mean yeah, she cane be pretty funny at times
Asher: unlike you, miss Julianna
Annie: shut up!
Asher: Julianna!
Annie: Asher! Stop!
Asher: fine, Julianna
I pushed Asher away from me and he almost fell off of the porch swing. I stuck out my bottom lip and pretended to act like I was upset
Asher: I'm sorry...Julianna
Annie: Asher I swear I'm gonna-
I was cut off by his phone starting to ring. He took it out of his pocket and his mom was calling him. He quickly answered and finished the call seconds after.
Asher: I'm sorry Annie, but I've gotta start heading home.
Annie: it's fine, I'll cya tomorrow then?
Asher: yeah! Cya tomorrow
Asher sat up and so did I. He was about to start walking off until I called out his name.
Annie: Asher wait!
I ran over to him and I planted a kiss on his cheek. He started to blush and so did I.
Annie: I'll cya tomorrow
Asher: y-y-yeah, c-cya
I giggled and started making my way back home. I was smiling uncontrollably. Wow! How could someone be so cute?! He's just so lovable! I don't think I've ever had a bigger crush on anyone before. Never in a million years would I think that I, Annie Leblanc, would start falling for the new kid.

THIS CHAPTER IS SO LONG, but Aww Annie kissed him!💗🥺 I'm still waiting for them to actually kiss though. I just need to find the perfect opportunity and I'll be good!😁

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