Chapter 9

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Annie's POV:
I quickly turned around from pushing Asher around the corner and Jayden, Lauren, Kenzie, Armani, Carson, and Johnny were all running over to me
Jayden: Anns are you ok!?!
Lauren: what happened!?!?
Kenzie: why were you crying!?!?
Carson+Johnny+Armani: what is going on!?!?
Lauren+Kenzie+Jayden: SHUT UP!!!
The boys immediately stood there in silence looking at each other while the girls pretty much interrogated me.
Kenzie: tell us what happened
Lauren: why were you crying?
Jayden: where is Hayden?
Kenzie: did he do something?
Jayden+Kenzie+Lauren: do we have to go beat his a-
Annie: girls please...I'll tell you once you calm yourselfs
Kenzie: fine
Lauren: just please tell us
Annie: so...I found out
My voice started to crack and tears were starting to form.
Annie: H-H-Hayden cheated
Once I finished that sentence all the tears came flowing out of me. I buried my head in my hands and Kenzie, Lauren, and Jayden embraced me in a group hug. I then felt 3 more sets of arms wrap around us and it was the boys. It was kinda funny how they came to the hug uninvited when I think about it, but at the time I was too sad to think it was funny. We all stayed in that hug until I stopped crying, which was about 3 minutes later. The boys pulled away and so did the girls. I wiped away my tears and spoke out.
Annie: guys I-I'm gonna go c-clean up
I spoke in between hiccups
Jayden: ok
Kenzie: alright
Lauren: we'll be eating in the cafeteria
And the boys nodded. I started heading to the bathroom and they started walking the opposite way. I looked behind me and I waited until they were out of sight. They soon turned a corner and I went around the corner I pushed Asher to, but he wasn't there. Where did this boy go? I rolled my eyes and just decided to make my way to the cafeteria. I met up with the rest of the group and I saw Asher sitting at the empty table again. I was looking over at his table and I had completely zoned out. Everyone at the table was trying to get my attention, but I had no  idea. I'm not to sure for how long, but they seemed to be doing it for a while by the time I zoned back in.
Everyone at the table other than Annie: ANNIE!
Annie: huh?
Carson: what happened?
Annie: oh uh nothing
Jayden, Lauren, and Kenzie all looked over towards the direction I was previously facing and looked back at me.
Annie: ok before you three say anything-
Kenzie+Jayden+Lauren: OOooOoOoOo!!
Annie: and never mind
Carson: what are they oooing about?
At this point I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. My focus keeps getting drawn to Asher. A good distraction for the girls to keep their attention off of me and my daydreaming was Johnny and Armani both randomly started laughing at Carson. Boys can be so immature at times I swear.
Carson: what?!
Johnny: you said oooing
Carson: oh
Carson started laughing with the other boys and Jayden, Lauren, and Kenzie all rolled their eyes, but I didn't. I was to busy having my eyes on someone else. Once the laughing started to die down I quickly focused my attention back to the group hoping no one would notice that I wasn't paying attention, but the girls usual
Jayden: we're not gonna say anything
Lauren: for now
I rolled my eyes and the bell eventually rang. We all cleaned up our table and headed to our lockers. This has definitely been one of the most hectic school day I've ever had and it's not even over

I don't really have much to say about this chapter tbh other than I hate it but what's new

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