Chapter Eleven - Steady

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    It's pretty obvious at this point that he wants to date me. He wants to have something with me, so should I ask him out again? Or is it just agreed that we're dating? Are we dating? God it's confusing. I'll just ask him out again, and give him a whole speech. I'll make it special.
    For now, I'll just bask in this. Holding him in bed. He's so comfortable, despite how boney he is. He shifts around and I let him. He's on his back when I see him open his eyes and look at me.
    "Goodmorning sleepyhead." I tap his nose as I say.
    "Mm... what time is it?" He asks, and I check my phone.
    "Ah, nine-thirty." I answer
   He groans in response "I work at eleven." He then cuddles into me. "Until fucking four."
    "That's only five hours." I state
    "Five hours I don't get to spend cuddling you..." I whimper.
    "We can cuddle when you get back." I tell him, and he sighs
    "I know." He pulls himself from bed and changes into his work clothes.
    "I should probably head home." I say as I stretch and pull myself up. He pouts.
    "You can stay here... just so... you'll be here when I get back..." He rubs his arm nervously.
    "If you want me to, I will." I turn and pet his cat "I'll keep Nova company."
    Craig smiles ever so lightly and walks over to kiss my forehead "I'll see you after work." He then walks out. Well. I guess I'm here all day... I take my flask out and drink from it.

   I walk downstairs and look at Clyde. He's giving me a weird glare.
  "You're standing up a bit taller... did you fuck him?" Clyde asks
    I roll my eyes "no. I didn't. Why do you always assume that's what we're gonna do?" I sigh
    "Uh... are you dating him?" Clyde Asks
    "No. But we're definitely going to be soon. He just hasn't asked yet." I answer
    "No no no don't date him. Not yet." Clyde states
    "Why?" I ask "who are you to tell me who I can and can't date?" I glare at him
     "Trust me. Hold off until at least Wednesday." Clyde says
    "Wha- What's going on?" I ask
    "Just trust me on this one!" He exclaims, and I sigh
    "Only if you go out and get a job. And maintain it. I'm sick of paying the bills around here while you sit on your ass. Grow up." I walk out and go to work.
     Work had caught me thinking about Stan. Only to stop when I need to focus on something else, like when we get hit with our lunch rush. That lasted from twelve to one thirty, then it got boring so I went back and did dishes and cleaned up around until four. Which felt like it could've lasted an eternity. I probably could've sat in the office and texted Stan, but I think productivity is more important than my almost boyfriend.
     That reminds me of what Clyde told me. To wait. My god. What's gotten into him? Who does he think he is? He was excited for me to have finally moved on and now he's saying 'no.'. It's like he wants me to obsess over Tweek for the rest of my life. I'm moving on, and I don't care what it takes to achieve that. He doesn't love me, I'm shitty to him, and Stan doesn't see me that way.
     Oh! Four hit! I clock out and wave to some of my employees and head out. I really hope Stan is still there, and Clyde isn't, and out getting a goddamn job.
    I get home and head up the stairs, I could use the elevator, I just don't want to. I get to the apartment and unlock the door. I think I saw Stan's car but I'm not sure. A lot of cars look like that. When I open the door I see him on the couch. Hey... this place doesn't look as trashy as usual... I look at him and smile.
    "Clyde left shortly after so I decided to clean up a bit, I hope that's okay." He says
     I don't respond, I'm in awe. This place is the cleanest it probably has ever been.
   "Stan, this isn't just a bit..." I look at everything
    "Oh, and I also went grocery shopping and stocked your fridge. It probably hasn't seen food in ages." He adds. I walk over and sit next to him. Oh my god the couch feels good and not disgusting. I look at him and press my lips to his.
    "Thank you." I put my hand against his cheek and my forehead goes against his. He pulls me onto his lap and holds my hips protectively.
    "It was nothing, Craig. It really was disgusting here." He states
    "Ugh. I know. It's just that Clyde never left and I never had the motive to clean it. God it looks so much better in there though... thank you so so much." I peck him again.
    "You're welcome, Craig." He rubs my back
   I bite my lip "So... how do you want me to... return the favor?" I sound suggestive. That's the first time I've sounded that way in a long time.
    "That's for you to decide." Stan answers with a wink. "For now, lets make dinner, that kitchen was covered in dust." Stan takes me with him in getting up. And takes me to the kitchen, putting me on the counter. He gets out a pan and fills it with water, putting it on the stove and grabbing some pasta noodles.
    "do you know how to cook?" I ask
    "Craig. I work in the kitchen." He answers as he looks at me. I end up chuckling.
    "Oh fuck! I forgot!" I clap and laugh. Stan looks at me with a smile and a pair of love eyes. He just stares, I've got a wide smile. He walks closer to me, and leans in to kiss me. I peck him and hear some beeping.
    "Oh!" He gets stuff to put some garlic bread in the oven. He then adds a bunch of spices to another pan with sauce in it.
    "When did you learn how to do all of this?" I ask, and he chuckles
    "I cook with my mom at home, and I took foods in high school."
    I nod and watch as he puts our dinner together and hands me a plate.
   "This is a lot..." I comment
   He shakes his head "it's about a serving size."
   I nod and go to the dining table, where we sit and eat together. God Stan is a good cook, and I even comment on that. He just says 'thanks' and we move on. We talk about anything we can. Interests, hobbies, work. Anything. It's all good as long as it's with him. I.. I really like this guy... Stan. Fucking. Marsh.
     After dinner I lead him up to my room and sit him down on my bed. The door is shut and locked. So even if Clyde got home he wouldn't see. God... I hope he doesn't come home.
    I cup my hand over Stans cock and lean in to whisper in his ear "Ready for me to return the favor?"
   He swallows hard and nods "please." He almost whimpers.

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