When you get drunk!

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It had been near 3 in the morning when you came home stumbling about, Mordecai had been on a mission and left you alone. You had taken matters into your own hands and decided to drink the night away so time would pass, and it had. The second he got home though, he was quick to stare at you in disbelief asking wtf had you done but soon took this as an invitation and got drunk himself. You guys ended up  throwing rocks off his landing into the night.

Brick loved you so much and would never do anything to make you feel bad, butttttt, he just had to laugh at you! You had bought a skirt and a VERY small shirt with a unicorn on it, prancing around waving a small piece of metal around like it was your wand. He video taped the whole thing and showed you in the morning, making you blush and push him away.

Lilith had wanted you to try a new drink, featuring her name, "Fire Hawk." You loved it so much to where you had at least 5 and all contained a shit load of vodka. She laughed and made jokes to you, you both talking and cracking the night into oblivion.

You two had gone to the bar. He had a few drinks, but it seemed like you had a whole case of beer, and soon it came to turn on you, as you threw up all over your clothes. He ended the night by gently taking you home and getting you cleaned up from the vomit on you, putting you to sleep after.

Borderlands 2-

Maya had been fine with you drinking before, so you went ahead and did so, thinking it wasn't a big deal again. Little did you know though, you would learn to regret it having woken up in your own vomit and a pissed off siren standing abovd you. From that day on, you really watched how much you drink.

You had told Zero that you were going to the store, but in reality, you had gone to Moxxi's for a couple of drinks to relax your mind from missions and near-death experiences. By the time you returned home, screaming and yelling, you had woken a passed out Zero on the couch. You were quick to apologize and cry yourself to sleep in his arms feeling bad from waking him up and lying. He had accepted your apology, flashing a heart at you <3

Axton was stunned at the sight of you; Sprawled out on the floor covered in bread crumbs and all sorts of pizza toppings while bottles lay everywhere around you. He sighed and smiled to himself grabbing a napkin to wipe the drool off of your face. He gently shook you awake offering a hand to you to get up. You take it and he slowly walks you to bed, letting you rest for the remainder off the night.

He had been looking for you for awhile and to no luck, he couldn't find you. That is until he heard you sobbing your eyes out in the room over. It tore his heart into two and decided to take you in his arms on the floor, singing a song to you in Spanish which lulled you to sleep.

Pre Sequel-

You had gone to the store to pick up a few drinks since Athena had gone to go take care of some things. You had drank before, but never this much or extreme. By the time she got home yelling for you, she found you passed out by the toilet, vomit smeared on your face and in the toilet. She rolled her eyes and ended cleaning you up and putting you to bed, preparing herself to lecture you when you awake.

(FragTrap) Claptrap:
Not much could be said other than claptrap and you were partying for the night. The only difference; you were completely shit faced. He enjoyed his entire night with you until you collapsed on the dance floor. He didn't do much besides stay by your side and wait for you to wake up.

Nisha hated when you drank because for some reason, everytime you did you would absolutely go crazy! And tonight was no different, glass was getting thrown and a temper tantrum was on its way. The only logical thing to do was to tie you up and kiss you goodnight, leaving you onto the bed.

This big brute absolutely loved you to bits and thought you were the cutest thing ever, even though you were barely conscious, riding on his back. He loved you no matter what thing you participated in. You both made it home as he gingerly set you on the bed, looking at your calm features and the heavy breaths you took. God he loved you so much.

Tales From The Borderlands-

Rhys always took you as the one not to drink, but when he found you passed out and slumped over the couch, he laughed at you and took all the alchohol away. You had cried for a good hour and a half wanting it back, instead he offered you some koolaid to calm you down, which worked very well.

Vaughn had taken you out to dinner to which you had too much wine there. He took you home in his arms while you cuddled up to him, feeling safe and warm, passing out and not remembering most of the night. Though when you awoke, he was glad to see you didn't have to much of a bad hangover.

You both were sat around a campfire far from the flame, it had been dying fast but you both didn't mind. You two were snuggled up in a blanket together, only one drunk off there mind, which would be you. She didn't mind much since you were easy to take care of, so she stuck around catering to you for the night.

A million times no she had said to you about drinking, followed by a "immature' and, 'Dangerous." You didn't pay much mind to her as you downed a few shots reaching to the ninth. You were about to take another as she slammed her fist on the table and led you away from the bar. You not returning for awhile after she ignored you for days.

Add ons-

Hugo Vasquez:
He had persuaded you to let loose for once and have a drink to get your mind off of work. You agreed to this and trusted he would take care of you since you both are lovers. Of course he did, but the night ended with a bang, if ya get what I'm saying. ;)

Handsome Jack:
You both were in his office. You were incredibly bored sitting on his couch while be worked, not sparing a glance at you. You decided to go snooping around and found a small bar tucked away at the side. You found some recently made cocktails and went to town, dowing them all for fun. You stumbled over to him pulling his collar to face you, smashing your lips on his and making him forget his work. (Im guessing you know where this heads. ;)  )

She had been sure to have you sit up at the bar to watch you closely so no guys would take you home while you got completely shit faced. She cared greatly for you that night and put all the drinks on the house since it had been your birthday, but when you awoke, the hangover was sure to kick your ass.

Thats it Kiddos! Another chapter done. Enjoy and comment if you want any other characters added into this and the others!

Published: 8/3/19

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